InTHEshadowz | Poetry Vibe
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Its been a long time... Inspire this mind of mine

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Lend a hand..



Views: 440

Far away iiz where ii dream to go,

A place where iim free of everythiing , free of the chaos iin my home,

Iim tiired of beiing the one whoz alwayz looked at as the villiian,

A swear here , a swear there.. Iim just so tiired, dont you'z get iit?,

Tiired of defending myself when iim the sweetest gurl u'd ever get to know,

Yet beiing unhappy makez me change my flow,

I dont wiish to hurt ppl wiith my wordz,

I dont take priide iin iit because ii know how bad iit can hurt,

Oh ,How badly wordz can hurt,

A siimple miistake and someone can endup iin a hearse,

U never know how a person can take iit,

So be very wiise wiith ur verbalz,and show compassiion,

Cause iin the end iit can come back to haunt u somethiing drastiic,

We're as fragiile,and can be broken easiily liike an elastiic,

As femalez we need more care,

Therez too many out here,

That are broken.. Need repaiir,

Diivided only by classez,

Although therez somethiing we all share,

We should lend a hand more often then not,

Cause u never know wat diifference u can make by just beiing there,

Everythiing doeznt requiire money & the assetz u've got,

Wordz can soothe the smallest and biiggest of achez,

Just take tiime out for a second to relate,

Dont let anger consume ur soul,

Show the beast iinsiide of u that ur iin control...

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2b2b2 says:

Great Share.....most relevant....thanks....ONE

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