Toni_touch | Poetry Vibe
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Bankrupt Morality



Views: 299

 Money green madness rules us all.
Who will be the one to stop the madness?
Young girls chasing shiny cars.
Little boys never make it
to manhood,
all over a public corner and a
nickel bag.
Not everything should be for sale,
but sadly society says we all have our price.
Printed textile paper leads to lives lost
and those same bills pay for cedar caskets for
wives without husbands
and sons without fathers.
It's all about the Benjamin’s.
Blood diamonds mined by four year old fingers,
six in total,
prosthetics nothing more than a rich man's dream.
bombs over Baghdad light the night sky.
Millions and billions wasted on economic warfare,
what have we gained from all the destruction?
What about the homeless?
We can't feed the children because we simply MUST have the latest Fendi bags and
Coach sneakers.
I'm truly disgusted.
I'm hurt and torn.
I too am part of the problem,
but what is the solution?
Money green madness rules us all.
Who will be the one to stop the madness?

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