Toni_touch | Poetry Vibe
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Views: 270

 I might not know whose ahead in the polls,
but I know what I see and I know
I don't like it.
Jenny Craig smack dab in the middle of McDonalds and a miscellaneous yogurt shop,
liquor stores on either side of AA meeting places.
Everything rides on the almighty dollar.
Who gives wheels to the broke and unemployed ?
They, as always, must tread the walk of shame barefoot and hungry,
in plain sight of Lexus passengers who either laugh or avert their eyes.
Short-changed good faith passes are a thing of the past.
Debit or credit only.
Money makes the world go round,
but it doesn't stop spinning for the ones who can't afford a slice,
let alone a loaf of bread.
Rotating in hyper drive, spirals of
emerald faced dead presidents with condescending smiles mock the impoverished people who live right next door,
but the yuppies, buppies, CEOs and Stock holders’ are too ashamed to call

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