DaSoulChild | Poetry Vibe
This poet practices good karma and posts comments 3400
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lightness in the dark
currently working on some new projects...a play and a book

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Life's weed



Views: 214

Offered the blunt,
no I'm getting high off this life.
My paper is living,
and my weed is the strife.
Getting high off the hardship,
while rolling my worry.
Drinking dilemmas.
Taking shots in a hurry.
Completely wasted, drunk and high off,
the troubles life brings.
Waiting for that bell of buzzkill,
life's pleasures will bring.
No I don't want drugs.
No weed or alcohol.
May as well kill me,
with the troubles of it all.

Enter the party.
Leave my problems at the door.
Listen to the music,
the hit the dance floor.
There's a hottie,
sitting across the room.
My lust is at boil,
can't let the feeling loom.
Make trip.
Depressing, they're taken.
But there's a lot more to see,
and on my moves I'm making.
Found one.
Dance moves are crazy.
Gotta make my move,
my mind's so hazy.
Spouting words,
hope they're making sense.
I'm sweating bullets,
why am I so tense.
We move to dance.
Our bodies grinding.
Like a rope,
constantly intertwining.
We love the floor,
predicting love making.
Our body's open,
ripe for the taking.
But the music's gone,
time to slumber.
But there is always next time,
so we exchange numbers.

Girls be crazy,
and dudes are cheaters.
Give the cold shoulder,
already prepared a heater.
Goes both ways,
relationships are stressing.
They don't go forward,
without a little regressing.
Liars and cheaters don't change,
that's a lie in itself.
If it were true,
we'd all be by himself.
She's just a whore.
He's just a liar.
He cheated on her,
she lies ands a cryer.
We all have problems,
and we all have flaws.
We can't change completely.
Can't fix them all.
People do change,
and some get worse.
Some people pray,
and others just curse.
Not all girls are whores,
not all guys are .
Vice versa too.
Finding a good one,
is the trick.

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