Princess | Poetry Vibe
This poet practices good karma and posts comments 6300
contest winner
'Act like a lady, Think like a man, perform like an assassin'

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Mummy know best



Views: 228

In the group they be screamin there love

But wen i turn my head i never clocked they the one who

Held the gun

And had the knife against my throat

Shouting all the abuse

Well too late now

Cos even though my mother warned me

Bwt 'these type of girls'

I never toke it seriously

Even though they were always coming sideways

Left to right

Causing the encouragement of picking up the knife

Nd being the encouragement to slice

Well damn ma im sorry for not takin yur word

Prob ear wax blocking all yur wise words

Cos it left me like a fool

Listening to these other fools

For allowing there side comments to enter me ears

And letting these 2 FACE ES

Bring me to tears

Nd making me fear to befriend others

Cos we all know i aint worthy of that

Im just that

But not even a BAD ONE at that

But maybe they didnt knoe there sideways attics where hurting me deep inside

And that they were actually bloody knifes making deep wounds

And they were fast bullets doing a russian roulette with only me in the room

But i guess its true

Yur mother knows best

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Contest Winner  

hymnagen says:

Thankyou 4 this window in2 a lesson well learned. Well done

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