The Immortal Wize  | Poetry Vibe
The Immortal Wize


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lightness in the dark
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Spitting out teeth


just different

Poetry Vibe Mayor

MAYOR of Poetry Vibe. This poet is identified as the mayor of the Vibe for have the most karma ponts. You receive karma points when you comment on poems.

Views: 398

I’m waiting to see if these youngsters

Will give their seats to the standing elderly

Maybe they’re too busy QQ ↓

To see the urgent need

I’m standing and trying to figure it out

Of course giving the youth

The benefit of doubt

I’m thinking to myself

How much longer will they ignore

Then one spoke up and said

“They can sit on the floor”

Not quite verbally polite as that

I guess it was a joke because

They all started to laugh

Choke and gasp

Then started to laugh some more

My back was against the glass

As if I was leaning on a weak branch

That was about to break and fall

On my head like being hit with a stick

Unlike a switch in my youth

That I had to pick myself

To correct my bad behavior

I’m still bad but not like that

I enter a room respectful

I still tip my hat and give some dap

Disrespect I’ll have none of that

Rude people that’s what makes me snap

There’s no cause for that

The effect is a smack

A broken jaw wired shut

Here’s a straw now sip on that

Disrespecting elders and picking on old people

Should be illegal and punishable by death

Okay so that sounds a bit harsh and unlawful

The painful beatings I got for that behavior was awful

I switch the channel from what I’m thinking

Because this episode is no longer available to watch

Without altering my mood swings










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justformine says:

Good stuff bro.!! Foreal.

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mrmelody7 says:

Very real, I remember my high school days and we the majority gave up their seat , thanks for the reminder, been a long time since I dealt with the bus, appreciative write

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kavindra says:

being respectful and polite agrees no need for rude behavior

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love_supreme says:

Truth. Respect is respect.

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