InTHEshadowz | Poetry Vibe
This poet practices good karma and posts comments 3700
contest winner
Its been a long time... Inspire this mind of mine

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Views: 415

Should ii be consiidered the fool?

Or am ii the one thatz human?.

With every iinch of me ii feel ,

My musclez tiightened ,eyez gliistened,

Iin the shadowz ..

Such an understatement,

Iitz much deeper,

Ii feel liike iim siinking iin a pool,

Fiilled wiith black iink,

Iit fiillz my chokiing,

Wiith no one to save me,

Seeiing iitz only riight, to feel thiis drowniing,

Iive fell for the last tiime,

Never wantiing to get back up,

Wantiing to fade iinto black ,

I dont want to love anymore,

Ii have nothiing but diisappointment to offer thiis world,

I crave to be alone ,

Wiith nothiing but my own miind for comfort,

Siilence iiz all ii have, wonderiing iiz there any hope to recover,

Wiill thiis all be somethiing to remember for wen ii get better?..

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Contest Winner  

The Immortal Wize says:

written with so much passion, I love it!
Contest Winner  

hymnagen says:

You contradict yourself. This artistry you offer the world is no disappointment at all. Keep it coming

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Intheshadowz says:

Thank u both, and ii do see my error, ii triied to go back

DallasCowgirl says:

This is nice! I can feel your words.

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