I made my mother many things
molded Jell-O green glass keys
leather strap ID wristbands
all of my creativity laid waste
in the bottom of the kitchen
trash can something that my
my young and hostile mind
could not grasp and understand
aware that I was not my mother's plan
how she would look at me with
a glance as if to say
"Why are you here" at the same time
her eyes would light up with fear
of everything around her
like she had escaped from hell
and the devil found her
all she ever wanted was a man
to take her hand and place a ring
around her finger
so she often entertained too many
strangers just one broken promise
after another not one asked for
the hand of my mother but I
did gain another sister and brother
my mother's heart turned bitter
so she blamed her mismatched
children who caught plenty of hell
from the consequences of her
kiss and tell sick from drinking
from her own poisoned well
her illness did not allow her
to nurture and wish us well