who never been without
the imperfect trace
camouflage trails rapidly roaming
sculpture smile
wet lines absorb
the pain fall amongst
the molded face
who never been without
a name
a greet
tears embrace lips
fingertip huddle against the wounded eye
pillow cradling
silent screams
who never been without
bedroom cries
only presence is your shadow
who apparently the only one
who your hears your cries
who never been without
the stranger
who end up
raping your happiness
impregnates your womb
with terror
uninvited birth
oval shape invades life
who never been without tears?
who never been without tears?
nobody came
but somebody knew
look at me
cant take my eyes offa me
somebody wish me away
this hurts
this hurts so bad
rushing streams
im drowning
leave me bayou
who never been without tears