The Immortal Wize  | Poetry Vibe
The Immortal Wize


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lightness in the dark
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Inside Job


just different

Poetry Vibe Mayor

MAYOR of Poetry Vibe. This poet is identified as the mayor of the Vibe for have the most karma ponts. You receive karma points when you comment on poems.

Views: 397




my struggle is to define


things that I do not understand


some things that cause me to


step down a level from where I stand


bringing me emotionally down


into the space I occupy


falling and spiraling out of control


of my sense of reaction


I stutter to utter how I am feeling


it is not found on the chart


in a state of emotional wreckage


still my brain is not damaged


the trauma is in my heart


can I get a me... too?


to cosign and agree with me?


is there an amen in the house?


am I crazy…really?


does anyone have an idea


what I am journalizing


I'm growing out of control


rooted in the same pot


sitting in old soil


feeling like a fish in a dirty bowl


thinking about the  deep


yearning to swim in the sea


the beating and pounding


of my heart  seems that


to my pulse there is no ending


sanctioned to visit


my past sitting


behind steel bars


reaching out to me


I cannot reach back


from general population


to solitary confinement


secluded and isolated


from the needed space


in my environment


edging me into early




I am…intentionally


 therapeutically indigenously


digging working tirelessly


on my own issues


and pissed off attitude


on white top flight 1 subject


standard wide rule


70 sheets and still counting


I'll be damned


 if the devil gets my bounty


the language of my anger


speaks fluent profanity


I've been told to suck it up


anger is poisoning


and I need to spit it out


harboring hostility


is much more of a killer


than cigarettes can... be


running you head first


into a brick wall of regrets

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soul_seeker103 says:

I agree ur not crazy.... amen!

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