In my mind
I am defined by my capabilities
not your perceptions and assumptions,
and those I invite to dwell in my circumference
and share in my blessings
have learned the same lessons.
We studied from the same texts;
read from the same handbooks
to avoid the pitfalls
and elude the ambush-es
so many fall victim to…
Implemented resistance to
their propaganda machine and its messages.
Counteracted their brainwashing efforts with
Truth-to-Power tactics –
debunking the manufactured
disinformation their media puppets
disseminate to the public
and expect it to be accepted
as fact-u-al
when in act-u-al-ity
it’s bogus!
Packed with distractions
promoting inaction, acceptance, and fear –
just like that God damn Serenity Prayer
posted in a frame on the wall for years
in my parents’ living room.
Perhaps you know it?
But left to our own,
we discovered Last Poets
while rummaging through their LPs and 45 stacks.
Thank goodness for the advent of Hip-Hop and Rap
that spawned “sample researchâ€
and drove some to sift
through record collections
for new-to-us riffs –
resurrecting the passions of Gil Scott-Heron.
They were inspired.
Those voices of resistance ignited a fire in later generations
who became Public Enemies
that formed X-Clans
to become Righteous Teachers
and support Spike Lee features.
Seeking to regain the right to control our public images,
and be valued for more than our court play and scrimmages.
To project so much more than the gangsta and whore
narratives university studies explore
and time
and time
and time again:
What’s Wrong with African-American Men?
I contend – not a thing.
We perform as intended.
Succumbed to the protocols recommended
by the Learned Elders (of Zion) they label a hoax.
Yet we feel the effects of this ruse the most
in this so-called post-racial America.
We strive to fulfill Maya Angelou’s vision
and rise yet again
just as generations of strong Black women and men have done.
From field to the ‘hood,
from blue collar to white,
from projects to mansions
some have risen despite
every effort to keep us imprisoned
through deceptive religions,
unfunded schools
and a political system of two party rule
that behaves as the New Order of the Ages
prophesied in the pages of 1984.
Was Orwell a seer or something more?
A eugenics engineer, perhaps?
I don’t know but what’s clear
is the fears of Rodney King have yet to disappear,
‘cause many of us still can’t just get along.
So shut up with that bullsh!t Kumbaya song.
You don’t love me!
You suspect me of thuggery like it’s simply part of my genetics,
as if my propensity for violence is so deeply imbedded
in my make up I can never wake up from it.
But I assure you,
I am not sleeping.
I’m watching.
Intently peeping out game.
Learning the ways of the devil so I don’t make the same
wicked moves when my people return to power again
to destroy false distinctions between races of men.
The Greatest Lie born of the Enlightenment error.
Conveniently told to support a reign of terror
that keeps the few in control over the many.
That transformed the frozen north into the lands of plenty
on the backs of southern labor,
through the blood of southerner’s toil,
for the theft of valuable resources
from conquered southerner’s soil.
But Aquarius is dawning
as Pisces fades to black.
Spiritually and physically,
they feel they are under attack
from Gaia’s great payback.
As the saying goes, “It’s a mother.â€
Yet few exhibit any contrition for not embracing me like a brother.
But there is irony in justice.
So as all this comes to pass,
me and mine will laugh best
for me and mine will laugh last.