Sktzo | Poetry Vibe
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Mind Field



Views: 434

My mind
Is a field of mine’s
Every word every second
Explodes on a dime
Every second of time
I seek to be sublime
My biggest crime
Is that I’m running out of time

Sort of like a mime
Which people try to understand!
What I physically try to define
It’s like a game of guesstures
Staring at my postures and people pondering my physical postures
Wearing my metaphysical and spiritually lyrical vestures!

I fear that for each line I drop
They drop like bombs atomic
Microscopic future found
By the sound of the boom pound sonic!

Minds shifted, like the earth plates tectonic
I'd rather sip on "Words of Wisdom"
Than on any gin and tonic
It would only make me spew up and vomit
Stir up my home style cooked sonnet
Venomously spitting bile
Like a tomahawk cruise missile rocket
One hand waving goodbye
While the other is searching for food in my pocket
I was never blessed to write for profit
But was given the ability to speak with power
Similar to a biblical prophet

Yet very few do hear me
I crave wedding days and plays
Saving animals that run astray
Putty transformed into terra-cotta clay

Mold it
Fold it
Transform my life ambition
Eat up the child of sedition
Kill off the malicious man of perdition

Kill the killer for the sake of life
Give life to the murderer to kill off the wicked
Maybe that’s the one true ticket!
Tear down the paper tiger picket

For there are too few good hearts
For the world is controlled by the wicked!

Multilateral legal and diplomatic support
I am another kind of reporter
Always ready to truthfully report
Never take reality seen and visually or verbally distort
I can try to mold myself into a better person by trying to contort
But I could only be wise
If with fools I do not consort

I must be like a humanitarian specialist
With gregarious special gifts
Highly linguistic mental lifts

No fly zone in my own home
Creating a clone of a clone is just a carbon copy of the fake
Feeling left all alone
To do the job the world is intended to do
I must work fervently

To make sure I can insist upon you
Open your ears, minds and eyes
To take part to realize the lies
Hear the tears and see the worries of mono-archaic apartheid cries

Traditional patriarchal tyranny
Listen to them or me
Be a slave to hypocritical freedom
Or free to be a slave of truth!

TV screens lying to me to program my mentality
Society telling me they mad at me
Well to hell with the world
If the world hates light from revealing their agendas of darkness
I am urged to speak kindly
But powerful words of love, with both patience and with direct harshness

For snakes with no spines
Eradicating political, religio-pyschological rhymes
I am then inclined
To better define my mind
In the form of a field mine
Mine field
Wrong step you will blow up
I hear so much bull
I feel the urge to throw up
Before I turned ten
I was forced to grow up
My adulthood
Very early it was obligated to show up
So know I stand up with my grown self
Side by side my younger version
I seek a spiritual cleansing and baptismal immersion
I need a stronger bond and conversion
Persuasion of my heart
To turn away from evil ways
To never get hit by lethal strays

The current wind that is blowing
Is now easily showing
Showing me
Where the next war is going
Iran, Iraq
Libya then Ethiopia
Moab is ruler in the kingdom of the north
Raging against the king of the south

Heart pumping
Spirit is leaping while my fists are pumping
Over too many hurdles we’ve been jumping
As they were placed there
To make sure we were forever stumping

Right wing multi-cratic
Genetically multi-simplistic
Violent dip stick
The candy power is now cocaine
A high commodity
Price is your life
For an ounce of that property
Getting tired of this life
That my words come out more sloppily

Like fire from the skies
God is now dropping me
Fumbled on stage as I act out my role
I pray that God blesses me sooner than later
But eventually forgives me wholly
And to heaven He takes my soul!


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