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(aids) American Institutional Dependence System



Views: 298

(aids) American Institutional Dependence System

The HGV1 saturates the mighty American air,
Supporting conditions like heath care and welfare.
Its metamorphoses are never-ending horror stories,
Affecting the states and the territories.
Not one particular strand, but a variety
Of programs that infect the sinews of society.
HGV2 has been isolated and is quite factual.
Its existence is acquired and quite unnatural.
Symptoms and side effects are engineered in D. C.,
And stretch from there to eternity,

HGV is about high-finance and spending non-sense
With the giverment's dispense of our cents.
Native Americans are protected wards of the state.
Not all of us share the same "turn of faith".
Immigration and bail outs--was there ever so much diversity,
When everybody expects a government subsidy?
Why do you want to be reperated?
You were reperated when you were emancipated.
On and off Wall Streets, up and down your streets,
They fill their carts with government treats,

Go to hell with all this begging and fussing.
Too many people want somethoing for nothing.
The HG Virus is not created by human need.
The Virus HG is an acronymn for Human Greed.
It's no longer about what U can do for your country.
It's about what my country can do for me.
Politicians turn their heads and pretend not to know
That the count is 100 million, and continues to grow.
The U. S. has contracted a new type of aids2.
The pathogen is home-grown and Amer-i-can-made.

1 (HGV) is an acronymn for the Human Greed Virus.
2The other A.I. D. S. (HIV) is not factual and has not been isolated in pure form in 30 years after more than $400,000,000.00 of government aid; there is not a clinical test to detect it; there is not any  clinical proof that it caused acquired immune deficiency syndrome (a list of 27 different diseases)..
3Foreign aid, humanitarian aid, military aid, farmers aid, aid for international development, cool-aid, medicaid, and the list of aids....;40,000,000 and counting on foodstamp; one-third of American adults on governmental aid; more than one-half of businesses receiving government aid & incentives

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