2b2b2 | Poetry Vibe
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lightness in the dark
Love First and Love Lasts

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Killing Time



Views: 551

Checking  my  watch  for  a  turn
Revealed  in  scenes  of  simile
Never  telling  a  soul,  how  love  unfolds

Returned  to  childhood’s  memory
Now  I’m  smiling  at  summer’s  twilight
Sparked  passion  from  a  thoughtful delivery

Birth  from  a  kiss  of  innocence
As  she’s  invited  over,  no  one’s  home
We  sat  far  apart  before  we  became  aligned

By  design  or  divine  in  time
We  grew  close  and  begat  two  sons
Shining  everyday  improving  possibilities

Displaced  by  the  taste  of  chron
Love  moved  past  the  point  of  no  returns
Marching  to  the  fall  of  the  coldest  winter

Playing  R.C.K.  (Run, Catch  and  Kiss)
In  attitudes  of  foreplay  especially  for  today
Nights  forgotten  wielding   forevers  in  endings

Looking  back  to  pick  up  lost  parts
Romancing   the  need  forlorn  long  gone
Swallowing  an  era  distortion  in  placements

Captive  in  a  mind’s  closeted  era  worn  formerly

Passed  by  intervals  of  time  buried  and  even  denied

Many  times  over  I  Kill  Time, 
 Yet  Time  Again  Resurrects  Me!

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Contest Winner  

The Immortal Wize says:

Contest Winner  

2b2b2 says:

Thanks kindly friend (winks)

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Contest Winner  

mlowe5 says:

Yes, well penned. How illusive time can be; and how ironic it is when we realize that it's time that is waning us away; yet love is eternal---like peace---and eternal time does indeed resurrects them both. Beautiful poem. I love it. Read some of the lines twice!

nikki_phressh says:

i Love it!

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