Devonte7638 | Poetry Vibe
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lightness in the dark
I've been gone for a while now im back

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Views: 350

There is more than one way to love

From the ground to the skies above

As people differ, loves works the same way

Coexisting yet separate like night and day

Anywho my point is this

True love isn't simply based on a kiss

Or even being together

As long as it last forever

Love comes at you from any angle

Can cause you brain to tangle

Confusing yes but its very clear

What matters is what you feel in here

Because I've loved no matter the situation

Even if I didn't fit in the equation

If you're in my heart

I'll never let you fall apart

Love is infinite so there's always some to give

Even if I fade in the background it'll still live

Whether I'm a lover, friend or brother my love has no warranty

So if love you, in whatever way, it'll be for eternity

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