warneraliyah | Poetry Vibe
This poet practices good karma and posts comments 4800
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  brigadier general
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Views: 461
How does it feel to know we no longer own our owns minds because we are selling it peice by price over time first we sold a percentage to drugs that made us feel high in life and on top once addicted we could never stop, than we sold to the videos who taught us how the gangster life goes remember trust know hoes next we sold a piece to each person we ever met that reminded us life is bet you either lose or take my hand I just want a journey of life for that will never end we sale a piece to hatred all the time he shortens us a lot with nickels and dimes telling us to never trust no one they all want to shoot you down like a gun, another piece goes to religion telling us we must live under gods living but there are so many gods who's really doing the forgiving? We sold what we have left to the Internet just to dress half naked turn up post it and watch the likes after doing so much selling we become walking advertisements for free show the you how the future society should be our minds is now owned by the ring master realizing it after .......It was a set up

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Contest Winner  

The Immortal Wize says:

religion telling us we must live under gods living but there are so many gods who's really doing the forgiving? DAMN, DAMN, DAMN! good
Contest Winner  

hymnagen says:

You call it like you see it! I like this one

Warneraliyah says:

Thank you guys

DallasCowgirl says:

This is superb! Love your realness in your writings, sis. Please, share more!

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