PoeticallyGifted | Poetry Vibe
This poet practices good karma and posts comments 6700
contest winner
been gone for about 5 months. ive written a lot. but i felt compelled to share my new piece "The Heart's Deception".

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What I Think About Pt. 2



Views: 289

I’ve been thinking about what difference I can make

i am indecisive so give me a little push if I ever hesitate-

to make the right decision

i refuse to be like others if i can be different

 i can make a difference

even if it’s for a short span of time, I can change the state of mind of someone who is hope deprived

and that’s big

because I know that I have a lot to give

no hope equals no tranquility

i know what it feels like to try and hold on to the small amount of decency in life-

with all my strength

not a lot of actual happiness, it’s all pretend

anything is possible when you think about the future

but that’s not always the case when you think about the past

over thinking leads to pass mistakes

and those keep you up all night

then loss of sleep

then loss of hope and peace

but hope and peace aren’t gone, you misplaced them and you have to find them again

if you need me i’ll be here as a supporter, as comfort, as a friend


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