Royale jones | Poetry Vibe
Royale jones
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lightness in the dark

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Views: 348

Dare I chase this love that elevates my quarrel between rights and wrongs,

as the emotions take my mind from its control

dare I say out loud it's my strongest addiction by far and without it I know not who I are

for the sex stains me beneath skin deep perceptions, to the depths of my very soul

where farewell kisses leave me in a even deeper appall

dare I wish,

that the story was much different and things weren't what they truly are

for the promise instilled in me as a man will not let me go back on my word

dare I say

That if my heart didn't conflict with my right mind that I wouldn't have to tell you good bye

And that hope I see you next life tyme

Maybe we could be forever mating butterflies

And I never have to meet the love and hate in the eyes

Dare I

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2b2b2 says:

Brilliant share....ONE

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