beafaithful | Poetry Vibe
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I celebrate you my fellow poets, keep rocking on the Vibe!!

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The Heart of a great Man



Views: 633

He walked tall, and proud,  yet humble in his heart

A man of good character, that set him apart

from all other men, he was one of a kind

when others asked him for favors,  he hardly ever declined

He was a devoted husband, he never neglected his vows

A committment of fifty-six years to his wife until the day he died

His dedication was to God, he was  a faithful servant

He held high values, and stood his ground, and his old schood wisdom was very sound

When I had a problem, we would have special talks,

or just wanted to listen to his valuable thoughts

of the past events that helped shaped his life

that made him a strong man in spite of all his difficult strife

A living legend  he will always be, like precious treasures thrown out to sea

He will always be missed, his memory is forever lasting

but I know he is in glory with his creator eternally





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Contest Winner  

Charles2 says:

Treasured souls touch our hearts with visions of love, blessed kindness and wisdom. Your father? Beautiful.

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