BJoel94 | Poetry Vibe
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Views: 249

The simple gifts are what lift me to higher heights and away from the deep thoughts of despair

My thoughts are what I wish I could share.

But Its sad that I fear, what will be said about what comes out my head.

My thought's shouldn't be judged for right or wrong, they should be viewed as a new song.

No one thinks the same way, so when a new thought is said it should apperciated and not ripped to shreds, crumbled up an annihlated,left for dead.

I guess you could say I am a realist.  I focus on the here and now and question things like why and how.

Why do we try and define what is "normal"? Because I do not think,look, act as you do I am defined as weird, someone who doesn't belong, an outcast, who shouldn't be here.

How can we stifle one's dreams when all they do is wish to be someone big, like in the magazines.

A little dreamin' never hurt nobody, just because you don't have any aspirations don't mean you gotta take somebodies.

Misery loves company, but I won't let yall catch up to me.

I am running with my dreams all the way to victory.

Crossing the finish line while joining history.

The history of the strong,careless, bravehearted and fearless.



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hymnagen says:

My goal has always been to make my writing as honest as possible, yet I still struggle with not lying through OMISSION. That requires courage I attain to but haven't yet reached. You captured that feeling very well.

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