love_supreme | Poetry Vibe
This poet practices good karma and posts comments 204300
contest winner
lightness in the dark
We will make it through this. Believe that.

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  double ruby
Total poems   880
Lifetime Views   274816
Total poems - 7 days   1
Total poems - 30 days   8
Total poems - 90 days   23
Total poems - 365 days   134

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I love this



Views: 455

This life has always been beautiful and I have to be honest I love this. You have to think of each day as an opportunity to make a difference.

If you know more today than you knew yesterday, you have already made a difference. You just need to make sure you are an "action" hero. You cant run your mouth forever or you can but I dont recommend it.

My inspirational rant for the day. Press on player.

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LP45 says:

True words.

love_supreme says:

thank you!

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