Princess | Poetry Vibe
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'Act like a lady, Think like a man, perform like an assassin'

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Views: 243

An obedient child she is

As she sits there and listens to the thrashing placed upon her

Eye lids flatter shut to hear the booming of the voices

Fingers pointing her way

She is an obedient child

1 or 2 times she would slip up

But still get lashed

Sitting and wallowing in confusion

Is this what she deserved

This obedient child

Day And night doing work

Fighting sleep to be accepted

Needing this in life

But nothing is what she received

Poor child she may be

But let's see

No she was not given what she lusted for , as thought

she never gave up

Willing to wish them wrong

Do not judge me

I have been an obedient child

Followed your rules

Held innocence so deep

I have been what you have wish

Accept me for me as I will do mistakes

I am human

If you want me to be the same child as in your dreams

Please parents it will never be

But don't blame me but Adam and Eve

I apologise for in advance for what ever it may be I have done

But one day no sorry we leave me

as I won't be sorry until found guilty

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love_supreme says:

I get this poem. Good write.

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