InTHEshadowz | Poetry Vibe
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Its been a long time... Inspire this mind of mine

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Let go of priide. Reach iinside


Views: 394

Thiink thiink thiink..

Do ii hear ppl bashiing me?

Or iiz that my own iinsecuriity,

Liike everyone else that claiimz they hear ppl talkiing,

When iitz just the deviil in the wiind,

Tryiing u to be liike hiim,

To make u break dwn, become so self-conscious,

over thiinking abt thiingz,

That should have no beginiingz,

For u are the home of watz good iin realiity,

Atleast for the most part since no one liivez so perfectly,

U offer the world peace, love , and uniity,

Whiile otherz seek.. They seek,

To destroy, perverse miindz,

Stay trapped iin a form of tiime,

Snakez iin my eyez,

Yet iin theiirz iim probably just that,

Whiile they act tough iin numberz, wiith theiir "gat",

Preachiing this and that,

Diisloyal to ur own code , yet u claiim someonez a "rat"?,

Shuffliing around liike ur supposedly fiienez,

make fun of them,but ur just as weak,

Prayiing we all overcome thiis need,

Thiis need to hurt eachother, need to be asleep,

Awaken urselvez, for wat we liive wiithout god iiz the other siide of serenity,

Never the peace we seek,

Because of not liiving riight,

Thiis iiz the priice u pay..

Giviing up ur moralz to see another day,

Iiz not worth the eternal flamez,

U wiill feel iin the underworld for liiving darkened dayz,

Extend ur hand to ur sisterz & brotherz and pray,

Iif one can overcome,u can also transform and change,

Iitz never too late,

Liike u miight hear some say .

God bless everyone who'z godless,

For iitz for everyone that ii pray .

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2b2b2 says:

Alot of truth...thanks for sharing

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The Immortal Wize says:


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