HymnAgen | Poetry Vibe
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contest winner 1
contest winner
lightness in the dark
Pen wouldn't move til now Current eventz got me feelin some kinda way

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Views: 598

Am I complicating matters

by jumping in the batter?

Or do I make the batter better

by being in your mix?


I can’t fix what’s going on in your life.

I am torn by the feelings that I have for you.


As my word is my bond,

I pretend this other man

that you have in your life

is somehow worthy of you

when this dude is just trifling.


In my view, he’s dragging you

through emotional mud.

He takes everything you do

for him for granted.


He does not deserve you,

yet I refuse to put him on blast

since that would hurt you,

but eventually you’ll catch his @ss.

‘Til then, I play with silly women

while he plays on a queen,

blurring your vision with his venom

until you put a bullet in him.

Hey, a brotha can dream.


Yes, I do hate this player,

but I won’t player-hate.

That is a basic man-law

that I’m unwilling to break.

I’ll just wait,

and tally up all the mistakes

that he makes.

Listening as over time you

recognize he’s a snake.


I’ve debated pros and cons

about putting you on,

but refrained from doing so

unsure of how you’d respond.

Would that pull us together,

or destroy what exists?

Then decide there too much risk,

so I button my lips

and keep my peace,

praying that this bullsh!t will cease.

Keep reinforcing your denial

of the fact that he creeps while you sleep.

Never revealing that my feelings run deeper

than you’ve ever known,

because I’m in your friend zone.



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Contest Winner  

The Immortal Wize says:

very well structured feelings.

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Contest Winner  

2b2b2 says:

Great Work....Write On!

debbieownsthis says:

Yesss!!! I love it, Makes me wonder is there a really good guy in my friend zone somewhere... hmmm... I love this ink here, it is the TRUTH all the way round. I truly enjoy ur inks

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Contest Winner  

hymnagen says:

Thanks Poets! Much respect! @debbieownsthis: Yeah, sometimes what we want is right under our noses, but we're too farsighted to recognize them. thanks for reading

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