I can do anything threw Christ , by his strips i am healed
His shield protect me , and if they don't yield when they see my shield they don't respect me
I would give someone the shirt off my back
All i want is the truth off your tongue
i was Running my mouth telling lies until thy
tripped over a tree stump in the garden of Eden
Looked away from the fruit and started praying & grieving
Demons in disguised we slaved for these men
Just to escape my fears and insecurities i'm going to build 2 underground railroads
Put my pride on my sail boat
and go who the hell knows
You don't know your strength when your facing a lion
You didn't realize you where David when you seen that your obstacles where giants
Am i crazy for dreaming
Its either keep my day job or be paid to become a demon
I kept my day job day dreaming
Just giving god his glory why Lucifer stay scheming
My equilibrium aint even
God is on my team so I let the messiah take a peek in ,
and he told me keep moving forward like i'm putting pressure of the defense
let the light from justice shine in my face i see a brighter future
I can control my anger now like lighter fluid
You ask me how i do it
I had a pilot by the name of Jesus Christ and he guides me threw it