tretre | Poetry Vibe
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contest winner
lightness in the dark
"Don't just think it, Ink It!!!!"

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False Assumptions:



Views: 438

In this world we live in today, we are often defined by false assumptions,

Being black come's with the assumption that we are all

intellectually inferior, we all sell drugs, steal and kill,

not seen as individuals, not seen as one with

any educational skill.

Being white comes with the assumption that they are seen as perfect,

better educated, more succeful, privileged, judgemental, hateful,

and racist, most assume all of them are like this.

Being mexican comes with the assumption that they

enter our country to take  from the people who work hard, they

take advantage of the wel-fare system, they are rude, disrespectful,

racist towards other races including themselves,

they only care for there family and no one else.

Its truly sad to see that even in 2014 we still have people

who make these kinds of assumptions, on people they may not 

even know, it's amazing how stupidity in some people just 

over flow.

In every race there are people who are messed up,

don't base what you see some do, and think

that's how everyone else is to,

because if you make these types of assumptions about all people

then what does that say about you?




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