athomas | Poetry Vibe
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Distance Lover (BAD)


long distance

Views: 222

We met in a weird type of way

But I admit I was very impressed, from your style to eveything you had to say

But physically I couldn't touch, I couldn't feel, but our convo was beyond amazing, what we had started to feel real

Our timing was terrible, avaliabilty was crazy, time spend was scarce, but years know was there

But when we finally did spend time is was amazing

Distance has always been a issue, and then it became a major problem

Your loyalty to me began to fail, then it really hit me that we really have a problem

Then came the lies, ignored calls, ignored texts, unexpected hang ups

Then unexpectedly came someone else

No longer was I getting the attention, but you tried to spare my feeling with the I MISS YOUs and the I LOVE YOUs, when the truth really was IM OVER YOU

The feeling when someone else has taken your place

The feeling to know that to that person your no longer the one

The feeling to know the he's over you

The feeling to know you all are completely through

The feeling to know he now has someone NEW

The feeling to know that with her he doesnt even notices you at all

The feeling to know, DISTANCE ended it all.

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