deforeman | Poetry Vibe
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I've been missing in action, but I'm right back like I never left!

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Mr. B



Views: 250

I saw the face of the devil, he takes human form
Interpreted his secrets and I just want to inform
He follows 10 commandments but not the ones that transform you
And its content is enough to make most of us cringe, just read the inscription engraved on the Stonehenge.
I saw him in black, hat covered his eyes, and evil rules within him and all the plans he devised. Manipulating the world and it’s money supply.
You may know him simply as Gepetto, strings attached to his fingers but that he’ll deny.
To him its about more than taking the sovereignty to contort, he wants more than resolving issues in a world court, it doesn’t stop at oil prices, vaccines and inflation
He has plans to rid the world of over half the population! He travels the earth going back and forth , covets a bow and sits on a white horse he has no remorse when his plan takes course.
You love the sweet taste of his poison, aspartame in your coffee, he’s killing us softly, Mason 32nd degree
The culling has started the Aristocrats have emerged, and he is one of them and their entities have merged, I’ve feed you the truth but fluoridation has caused you to purge
Just listen to my words, a verity seldom heard.
He poisons you while you’re sleeping, medicine tainted with squalene
He works behind a screen, lies in bed with the Queen
Leads our babies to the reaper, while leaving the mother’s grieving
He’s deceiving, and I saw him rise from the sea, ten crowns on his head eyes infrared
He is like a leopard but has the feet of a bear mouth of a lion I swear I aint lying
Was blessed by a dragon, and bears ten crowns, was spewed to the earth old men of renown
He has 7 faces, got us tied in the laces, origin goes back too far for us to trace it
But what they say he is he worships the sun, told a lie on God and gave him a son
Claimed they crucified him and bestowed him a crown, so he sits upon thrones with crosses upside down, Mr. B is lost but then again he is found
I saw him in the shadows and he’s hijacked my life, hijacked God’s religion even hijacked Christ. Governs the world and this may sound absurd
But Mr. B’s alive and well….Mr. Bilderberg….

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