Sktzo | Poetry Vibe
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Views: 146

The matrix
With insanely made tricks
Blatantly flagrant agents
Pathogenically electronic contagions
I’m in a defaced basement
Attached to machinery
That’s alien ancient
From Akkadian ages
Some may know
As Sumerian stages
Encapsulated with hatred
For flagrant agents
My mind state is impatient
Like strapped to a table se-da-ted
With my body shaking
While laying latent
‘IV’ transported endorphines
With an aromatic fra-grance
Dictating in a digital nation
Pontificating patrons
Perusing your topographical pavement
Coerced service to merchants
Controlling the levels of enslavement

Are you another hallucinating patient?
Peeling the pavement
Pourous scoring yet snoring chorus
Is the laymens payment
Perfected insurrection
Through my matrix placement
Slithering and serendipitous statement
Surrealistic hallucinatory story
Perceived by your low frequency
Instrumentally mental station
Vivacious yet vacant
Refusing to be a vagrant
Begging and pleading for wages
In this adjacent matrix

Fiberoptically attached
To the throne of a so-called satan
A mage staged
Into an amazing arrangement
Alongside perfect placement of agents
Virally bile style agents
Contagiously complacent
Contaminated contagions
Seeking combative engagement

But I’m the perusing atomic diffusion
Of an anomalous equation
I AM ‘the one’
There’s no replacement
Even with matrix coded relations
On occasion seeking persuasion
To remain on this whimsically digital substation
Body inside of the matrix
But my mind is dealing
With the cpu and ‘its dictatorship occupation’
And its malicious misrepresentation
Of a theatric realitys information
Seven billion minds UNDER sedation
Asleep and dreaming
Manifesting a holographically horrid nation
Entwined minds in a mainframe design
To decline from a ‘traitors persuasion’

People placated
Through sedated fates
That are platinum plated
The agents are the contagion
And I’m the anti-virus like Cyrus & Osiris
They desire to keep me in containment
Purposely predicated
And hatefully premeditated
Physicalities incubated
Dermals subcutaneous
Scarred and forever devastated

Not debilitatingly inebriated
My cognitive volition
Is consciously consecrated
I’m fully focused and concentrated
Directed diction is non-fictitious neither debilitated
I’m more than hated
Because with KNOWledge I’ve mated
And that’s how ‘I made it’
From machinery grey slated
Morpheus coughed morphed endorphines
And had me awakened
The rabbit hole of truth was stated

A pain I never realized I tasted
My presence was sought for and awaited
There’s no birth or earthday belated
I was dissuaded, jaded and berated
My pain had been paraded
While those agents
Had this lad barricaded
But the orator oracle had a new me created
Although I initially had internally debated
My electronic ego deflated
‘Eaglecentric’ elevated & essentially elated
Digitially yet literally, non-righteously related
Porous pain has been equated
To the tired wiring predated

Matrix code and its anquishing language
Is thoroughly translated
I’m architecturally designed and inundated
With a mind of a CREATOR that’s unrated

I’m considered the slithering and withering
Serpent that’s desecrated
Just a hacking software that’s overrated
Six prior savior suppliers
Were overweighed with
A matrix seven times recreated
A savior reinstated
An observant subsurface person
That had always been underrated

The rules never pertain to me
All the while those governmental
Attractive combatants attacking
Have a painful disdain for me
With them there is no slacking
But slapping and stabbing my ‘back and’
Wile stylish bile and gregarious gile
Is their ‘back hand’

I lost my illusory security
But now I’m covered with purity
As those foes are in the violent throes of securing me
Concurrent events
Are relentlessly defending me
And those contagions are upgraded
And filled with encoded hatred
Chasing me and disgracing me brazen
Assuredly, they’re afraid of my minds ‘unblind eye’ maturity
Their holographic and painfully graphic dispersed version of earth
Is just an obscurity
I am possibly an oddity
Because I’m overly ‘secure in me’
They desire to be disturbingly perturbing me

Now, in the city of Zion
For my people I’m crying
Because on my ‘choice’, they’re ALL relying
Observing the cursing worsening
As so many are unsurely prematurely
Unplugged and devastatingly dying

While my uncommon oddity body
Remains consciously unconscious
And subsurface
All the while concurrent occurrences
From serpent disturbances
Are perturbing persons
Like a vermin through sermon services

The syringes are all connected
And all related
Obstacles for opticals
With feeble needles
Inside of peoples gender steeples
And inside their bodys follicles
Curtailing and coercing my molecules
While subduing dudes
In the exits and entrances of vestibules
While testing tools on infected fools
Pretentiously conjecturing
As they continue arresting
And infesting crudes
And the viral bile is in denial
Piled up investing in ‘nudes’

Elusively intruding
While confusingly alluding to protecting you
But the systems toxically
And more than paradoxically infecting YOU

To believe that the injections
Are not polluting
But THE TRUTH is deflecting you!
And the truth remains sane
In an unplugged brain on THAT plane
Is that there REALLY IS NO spoon!


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