BITE | Poetry Vibe
This poet practices good karma and posts comments 3300
contest winner
new user. i needed a spot i can clean my heart out to... i think i found you. poetry..thats the only way i can show you my soul... im real.. honest i have nothing to hold me back. im ready .

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Views: 549

I'm strongest in my weakest moment.


thats a bullet i will BITE

Thats a bullet ive seen all to well.

even thou im tired i will fight.

like a lion in the jungle im ready to strike.

theres a star in the sky for every tear drop i have given...

 just like the sun i rise again and keep living,

passion is a fire that to can become dim

...only one thing in this world

feels better then sin,


every aspect of it

in love i can live


just exsist

threw love comes pain

this is why i resist.

i want to find the one worth suffering for

a brocken heart like mine

wants to suffer no more..

you intrieged by my physical allure

mentally your not willing to exsplore

this is why i must have more...

depth in a conversation

i want to see your imagination..

i want more then just the physical  atraction

i want our love to cause a chain reaction..

in my weakest moments i am stronger then you can imagine

with love like this, i never want to be strong again.

you sheild me with your love

let me be weak

even the strong can buckle at the knees

i am tired of just surviving threw the pain..

threw love i want to live again.



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Contest Winner  

hymnagen says:

Your work speaks to me in ways I relate to. thanks for this joint. Find your peace...

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BITE says:

thank you!! one day I will until then ill be at war!! lol

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Contest Winner  

2b2b2 says:

Superb Share

DallasCowgirl says:

Very well spoken!

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