Sktzo | Poetry Vibe
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Views: 324

It’s not an accidental occurence
Of a continuous global disturbance
Global ignoble wealthy
Patriarchal ‘nobles’ causing burdens
Acting like clowns in a circus
Purposely disturbing and perturbing
Concurrently to hurt us

The real enemies
Causing discension and enmity
Reside within governmental factions
They’re highly attracted
To causing pain and distraction

Infiltrating societal minds
Placing horse bridle reins and blinds
Keeping the majority in a position of minority
While in fact they act and react with seniority

Global economic assassins blasting
At the cash of the middle and lower class
Purposely and more than advertently
Hurting us
To create a systematic clash of castes
Mental minds morph and mash
While others burn and crash
Hiding their stash
All the while the self-appointed
Psychologically disjointed persons
Sit back and laugh

Corporations pointing to people in turbans
For the terror disturbance
As if its a necessary urgent occurrance
That certainly currently disturbingly
Raising the heat of the furnace
Burning the curtains for certain
Having the people scared
With uncertainty perturbingly

Purposely nervous
To prepare minds for ‘another occurance’
That’ll cause economic disturbance
But the true serpents are subsurface
Casually and factually
Tactically implementing
The the next error of a terror emergence
Hoping for insurgence

To merge and converge
And rise up to break the lies up
In accordance to those whom can’t afford it
It’s been afforded
To cause disruptive discord
If we would only unite in accord
With a tight fist and sword

Cut the polities policies of fallacies
Because for too long
We’ve been stepped on and ignored
The corruption is vehemently abhorred
For ALL it has caused
Perpetuating fear
With hyper-theatric drastic tactics
And the money it scored
Whitewash the plans botched
As they effectively ‘scored’

Just an obvious anomalous
Lyrically cynical Snowden
Fervent to burn them
So I continue to flow then
Standing up is the only way to show them

The populace should appreciate
Those whom are trying to open their minds
Speaking TRUTH
Is having many reestablished and refined
As they gravitate and are inclined
To dine on this mind of mine

No obligated observance
Of retroactive recurrence
Treacherous tribulation and turbulence

Disrupting peace
Of electromagnetic frequencies frequently
As I frequently see the seas
Of sleeping people, walking like sheeple
Under the canopy of a democratic eagle
With deliberate intentions deceitful
Yet claiming and vocally proclaiming
The time is peaceful
No longer recognized
As a country regal but evil

But not only our land
But all across the atlas
We witness the wicked gimmicks and madness
Cursive curses dispersed
In hyper proactive sanctioned verses of sadness

My diction has to be
Spoken to awaken
Those not awoken radically
So the madness
To my method is hectic
Destitution dissected

The system IS NOT absolute
But it’s absolutely polluted
And truth has been terribly diluted
Political conversation convoluted
Musse mentals are pivotal
Because I forcibly forced
A new course for me
None are having a discourse
Of remorse for me

I recognize their lies
And connective ties
That tries to defy the natural high
That is by more than a miracle see
Lyrically contrived
I refute their tarnished proof
And no doubt
I will not compromise for their lies
So I adamantly surmise
That the peoples revolution
Will NOT come to be a surprise
No matter how many tears and heartfelt cries

My angst is against politically critical pranks
Falsified reality through marketing ‘Think Tanks’
Treacherously ‘people targeting’ with prick shanks

Socioeconomic pain that’s chronic
Intellectual vague plague bubonic
Weaponry is now telekinetic and supersonic
Superficiality has made me superimpose
Multiple subject flows
Though objective prose

To the knowledge that my position is triangulated and detected
Purposely hurting me
To have me feeling socially rejected
Impactful tactful tactics immediately implemented

But I can’t keep my knowledge to myself
Because I suffer from the desire of seeing humanity
Rise above the insanity
Speak truth amongst all races
And their disgraces
Without slanderous profanity

Practicing the ‘word arts’
Sadly I see the vanquishing
And vanishing of verb smarts
My dispersed words are uncurbed smart
But I perturb your nerve through word tarts

Ugly facts never bathed
To keep your minds enslaved
In fact I speak facts proactively
To slap the crap out of intellectual naps factually

I need to continue to be responsible
In my daily life wordings and action
And I’ve concluded
To become a sore thumb protruded
Speak 100%, never truth diluted
For courage and self-mastery
Needs to be reinstituted
Not done for flattery
Because the TRUTH is imputed

Linguistically physically looted
Silenced by violence and muted
My knowledge and courage is deeply rooted
To my methodical ways I’m well suited
Historical facts
May not always be easily computed
But it’s my self-created purpose
To have the truth electronically commuted
No need to refuse or dispute it
TRUTH can be ignored
Or not believed in
But it can not be disputed

Ignorance has spread like a pathogen
And has had millions recruited
And I’m immersed
In conversed and dispersed verses
To reach into your psychology subsurface
And have the lies uprooted
I speak
To the strong and the weak undiluted
Dont you realize their lies
And how they defy our cries
As if we’re simply stupid?

My end result has already been quantified and mathematically computed
And currently concluded
For although the masses are involved with indulging in being deluded by illusions
Im tired of seeing opulance and extreme poverty
My influential and extensive terminology
Will not be excluded

I may not be personally
Commercially verbally successful
Yet my strength is exuded
I kept my spirit and soul in tact
As a matter fact my heart too is in tact
Causing willpower to be included

Has been insync repetitiously
Sacrificially spitting wittily
Yet I remain single and secluded
My personality is aggressive
Only because I took lies and subdued it
Disciplined my mind
And knowledge, I accrued it

I’ve given you food for thought
So before you swallow
You need to chew it!


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Contest Winner  

hymnagen says:

The voice of a like mind...I digs this piece
Contest Winner  

SkTzO says:

I appreciate you reading my script. Blessed that others can appreciate my minds mechanics in poetic format. Blessings

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