She deleted my data
from her RAM,
but I don’t hate her.
I understand her perspective
even though it came much later
than expected
(that is, my understanding).
I was much less of a man when
we connected,
and saving face was
my only directive.
Retrospectively, I see
that we really didn’t mesh –
personalities conflicted –
but addicted to her flesh
I could not disconnect…
unplug emotionally and jet
into the sunset with the clarity
that comes with retrospect.
She’s been mad at me so long
her anger grew to apathy.
Today she couldn’t care less
if my demise comes tragically.
I’ve explored
every amending avenue
and been ignored.
Not a peep.
Not a roar.
Not comment,
nor a tweet
of love or negativity.
Just regrets of ever giving me
her time, her heart, her body
‘cause I did her wrong, admittedly.
So now all I ever get from her is silence.
Passive aggression sometimes
hurts much worse than violence.