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Sanity from Reality


Views: 213
Sanity from Reality I would like to burst a verse To converse in a didactic colloquy There are many religious prophecies That speak of an end of days apostasy Whichever god is real or believed in Whether 'One Being' Or alien gods with no apostrophe Many ancient scriptures Speak with authority solemnly Yet incredibly oddly When I read, I hear the written words In my mind quite audibly Sometimes fully grasped and captured Intellectually raptured out of my physical bodily All that I study or read were seeds planted In my minds garden for a harvest of botany I consciously try to remain fervent in personality constancy Because I recognize my flaws And leave nail marks on floors constantly I have introduced the world Even seduced it with my multiple personality colony To some it is viewed as a comedy Yet to a select few known commonly Those characters have helped me survive And remain alive to speak honestly And although I honestly Speak truth and honesty with humble modesty I know I represent the small few Awakened minds that choose to be fully awake consciously I hate, detest and loathe A personality that's gossipy Especially those who know Their upward pointed nose Is too self-conscious To introspect their soul topography On an intellectual and spiritual odyssey So they obnoxiously Continuously and constantly Remain spectators of life gossipy Now I KNOW that I'm a rare breed oddity I share creeds constantly But I do so with modesty My personal philosophies or policies Can help those impoverished with soul poverty So I work verbally imperfectly to personally Protect yet project my intellectual property To potentially or even possibly Reveal an individuals essence And physical presence is a present To the world by their character quality Not economic quantity And so although some of my flows or prose Speak on cosmology, astronomy or psychology I am still a mere man that steers his own hands To try to build a collage of imageries Out of sand Which many times I've done it But instead of appreciation It is looked upon as an uncommon oddity Never speaking superfluously sloppily I choose to remain grounded solidly While spitting soliloquy rocketries About religio-economic policies That offer one percent MORE quantity And life quality while interfering in the lives of the majority Who either are in OR near the brink of poverty The so called global democracy Is an obvious hypocrisy Controlled by souls with psychopathy Narcisisstic tendencies To create codependencies Through methods of distraction Through multiple factions to destroy and divide By making more subtraction of action By interjecting in community proactive factions To multiply lies while dividing the united ties Causing more cries and tears in eyes Forcing more to be deprived While struggling and striving just to stay alive So many take the bribe Or contrive a broken lie And choose to 'kill their own' Just so they themselves can stay alive In essence without hesitance The human race they have compromised It's now an obviously seen pathology In societies psychology To choose to be ignorantly drunk with lies Than to be consciously awake with truthful fruitful sobriety Nobody seems to recognize That it's the hidden hand puppetry Running amuck you see Causing pain and suffering While drones are hovering Creating the blood bath mothering While todays intellectual outcasts are now cast As insurgents merging from subsurface To surface while militantly urging And bursting literal or verbal weaponry In the name of some heavenly Purposely designed broken policies Indentured servitude Collapsing a million psychologies to possibly Fulfill an ancient prophecy Stir up the populace with anger Through violence and slander Create a street soldier monopoly Souls lost even if their psychology Is equated to that of a prodigy Because the global economy Is coerced, curtailed and controlled a bit more sloppily Revealing the agendas Of the wicked mens combined autonomy Please, study your racial chronology And you too will see the roots Of where you live is rooted in evil lies, murder and hypocrisy Take a historical voyage and journey Go sojourn in an intellectual odyssey And you too will begin to connect the dots that rot the military cots And those whom concoct lies for the 'blind following' flock Awaken and build your foundation on granite rock Forget about a so called free-market And investments in stock It's all 'Lies Full of Chock' It's not serendipitous to see who runs The world with ignoble sovereignty Wicked men depraved with lives of opulence who act wantonly Maybe a satanic anomaly No necessary apology for their atrocities Genetically engineered Then introduced disease and sickness monstrosities This dying world is just their biography Destroyed fauna and flora While causing abnormalities In the worlds ecology Through interrupted biology All in the name of PEACE and democracy Ignoring verbalistic hollistics to heal So they destroy or conceal The proof of healthy cytology Just remember this It doesn't matter the color Of your dermatology or geographic demography Because demonstrably Their dishonesty hurts the global economy And money is the only quality of equality No longer a game of semantic etymology, Archaeology, or ethnology Their long term trajectory and velocity Has reaped their beneficial ferocity Instilling fear in The People Awakening a sense of false patriotism When in reality its a deep soul frivolity Mixed with fragility and soul instability by first creating financial loss irritability End of days created Bending light rays deviated Money is god as most are filled with idolatry And you can not evolve almost impossibly When you allow others or circumstances To manipulate the reactions from your neurology Please take note that a free world A long time ago was smoked, choked then smote And since then a demon awoke, arose and fiercely spoke Speaking lies of free market When there is obviously only a monopoly In the economy And it's not a personal perspective or mythology They too ARE THE CAUSE of the rise of sickness Including the need for the study of oncology I've seen the truth and IT caused blood to drop from my optometry But I too admittedly have a pathology And that swift quick sickness hit this To communicate the paradox of reality and fantasy through phonology Forging and forcing feudalistic figurines To postulate the reality of phrenology Utilize your bifocal and trioptics To take the best photography And awaken your mind by shaking your soul seismology responsibly So that your psychology Will reverse your slumbering psychopathy And you will be convinced to finally think Act and speak universally responsibly ~musse~

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