Sktzo | Poetry Vibe
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just different

Views: 187
Phenomenon I thought it was obvious That I'm an occupant innocuous Phenomenon of cognizance Yet fully conscious Of my hyper consciousness I prefer humility Over pompousness Modesty over obnoxiousness My words are not heavenly pleasantries From a hesitant peasant But of an ethereal resident Graced by your presence His life is the evidence That immutable & irrefutable Scientific physics legalities Are still at their adolescence Musses mind voyage Poetic journal of my journey Oddly an uncommon oddity And his sentient odyssey He declined from a spineless expedition Too conscientious Of his contiguous personality conditions Eric Lee explained explicitly World has witnessed the once dismissed kid Depict his theories vividly Complex annagrams Simplified through kind gestures simplicity Introvert converted electrical circuits Through verses exquisitely Personality traits calculated And lived by religiously rigidly A single entity that specifically Spends time writing and spitting intrinsically Mindscape Used to escape mind rape Since 1988 metaphysically Lyrically, connecting my mind To ALL OF YOU spiritually Electromagnetic waves Embedded and encrypted Lyrics shifted 23.5 degrees To be seen prolific and gifted But Im just a crying & dying soul Copyrighting English grammar To be soul encrypted Monolithically through formulated lyrics Part of me Sees reality cynically Oh how pitifully Yet how critically My existence is dependent Upon isolation spiritually None could really mimic me Specifically through seditious mimicry I try to defy odds lyrically And sometimes specifically Through odd moments whimsically My spirits condition Can not be depicted phonologically Only those who know me chronologically Superstitious wishes Conjured up conditionally Because I promised myself That I would NEVER live up to The expectation of others statistically And so realistically You get to see The daily metamorphosis of endorphines Having me spit and coughing Until the day I die Snd I'm placed in a coffin My souls template sarcophagus Is designed through words Formed by my esophagus Although autonomous And monogamous I will live and die To the crazy orchestea of my mind My life WILL NOT BE Remembered as monotonous!!! ~elm~

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