you're slimy
you're grimy
you had to try me
don't walk behind me
walk fast not too slow
I'm known to change
my mind and turn on you
lock jaws on you
put these paws on you
pass me that
it's a lid not a hat
black and turned
to the back
you see the fire
can't feel the flames
better pray for rain
and a vicodin for the pain
switching from black
to red ink spills
like blood flows
from getting punched
in the nose
you never know
what you’ll get from me
I'm bright & tight
like a yellow ribbon
tied around a murder seen
does Martha Stewart
know how to get blood
out of blue jeans
can you get Ebola
from drinking coca cola
behind some body
we all are quarantined
you're too flat footed
stay on your toes
miss me with
Wiz Kahlifa & Amber Rose
let’s talk about how
a civilian got into
the White House
it's way past time
for the brother to
somebody out there
knows damn well
what I'm talking about