Sktzo | Poetry Vibe
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Temeritous Revolutionary



Views: 260

There is always a part of me
That's sharpening my artistry
Never bargaining my armory
Forever marketing my word archery
Hardly in harmony with harlotry
Wholeheartedly targeting 
Through verb carpentry smartening
No longer harboring 
Strain, pain or disdain 
In my capillaries or arteries

Cause I refrain from bane 
Or anything mundane as maladies
Atrocious totems of full throttle bottles 
Of emotional potions of tragedies

This infinite dissident 
Is omnisciently OMNIpotent
Acquaint'em verbatim and verboten
Through thoughts provoking
Verbally searching while vile birds perched 
Lurking behind curtains joking
Words spoken 
Against diabolical demons
Smoking and corrosively poking
Vector type spectres awoken
While hyped lies 
And infested injector protectors are eloping

I am an iconoclast
That blasts past 
Vast fallacies that last
Thorium gas trash flashing 
Faster than disasters spasmic dash
Plastic cash outlasts
The 'massacres' that outlast 
And 'occur at Mass'

First encompassed 
Then enclosed when exposed
Impossibly imposed flows
Disclosed when I flow prose
Doors closed on droll trolls 
And prismic glow shows closed 
On those foes with whom I'm opposed

Dead sea scrolls 
And bleeding souls
At both poles
'The winds cold' blows
Freezing 'soles of moles'
Whose sniffing nose knows
This repulsive poets a pro in repose
Exposing hi lows
Of 'light shows'
At places of such disgraces disclosed
Bipolar opposite 
Composites of cosmic logic
Through the throes of glows I throw
And 'spit blow' 
To have my garden grow
So I can harvest 
The knowledge I show

Gaias fauna, foliage and greenery
Words depicting a paradise scenery
While I'm evicting political thievery
Nobody's greeting or grieving me
No warmonger is any longer 
Deceiving me deceitfully
Because I've become 
An unbelievable eagle regal unbelievably
I stand for THE PEOPLE 
Whether or not they believe in me disagreeably

But I stand out with clout 
Showing what Im all about
This persons verses are stout 
And are retrieveably
Considered a word wizards elixirs 
Of sinister misses & misters simplistically 
Lyrically more than cynically 
Yet empirically lifting thee rhythmically

My only poverty is possibly
The irrefutable & immutable laws 
Of ethereal intangible material scenario cosmology
Misrepresented with a demented psychology 
Of an odious oddity
Creating catastrophic camaraderie

For I never minimize 
The price of lies devised
Forcing the world 
To compromise and loosen
The noose 
And any loose ends 
Of a nuisance 
For Im dropping new sense
With my two cents

The people need 
To penalize the corporate ties
That privatize and terrorize
Through combatant compacted lies

As it is my duty to be truly unruly
And come back to combat their evil foolery & bafoonery

Musse mind is not here 
To jeopardise lives
But to inform as I perform
Then deform as I perforate their lies
From your eyes 
Through poetic lullabies

To better characterize
Rather than globally minimize
Depopulation and third eyes decalcify
Cause I wholeheartedly
Despise the lies that they contrive
United to target, and market
Then advertise systemic pandemic pathogens
Like the path and wrath of Djinns
That want to laugh again
So we proactively react combatively 
As we combat with exact syntax 
With tact tactically

For they specialize in advertising lies
Im here to testify and clarify
And undefeatedly repeatedly chastise 
Those that have chosen 
To decompose repose
And colonize lives through bribes
Theatrically traumatize
Then overdramatize
Holographic and cinematic lies in the skies

They purposely advertently patronize 
Patriots with The Patriot Act
Dropping it 'to exact'
So called justice and fallacious facts 
With judicial tact
A terribly influential fact 
Of an act of attack 
Or enacted tracks 
Against the 'defense of lack'

But I can help and assist
As we stand up and persist
As we get enlisted 
With lifted fists 
And 'cause we exist 

To not just be alive to fight 
And be enlightened 
While multiple minds are brightened
Getting political devils frightened
So we take a bite of the pie end
And like Titans 
We continue fighting, to lighten 
Despite the weight of lifes messy stress shoulder boulders
And we just might then
Take space and light bend
And that's the stipend
For the message 
We send with no griping

As We The People prioritize
And as we remain civilized
And purify cries
We MUST epitomize 
What it is to detoxify & hypersensitize

Their recent lies and ties
Nullifies constitutional rights
People are crude and prudent students 
Yet so desensitized
And my verses 
Are like an advertent detergent 
Cleaning the self-defeating and underlining 
Meaning of persons that's cursing

Existence has been stigmatized 
Under darkened skies
With intentional HAARP cries
Wikipedia and all mainstream media 
Can hypnotize
While it does pulverize the blind minds

Im simplistically spitting 
The external 'Big Fraternal' 
Exercise of tyranny
Simplistically implemented infinitely 
Through small incisions 
Of societies eyes intrinsically
Yet appears to be done so minimally 
Willfully and whimsically
I frequently reach my highest frequency 
To fertilize minds as I grammatically 
More than drastically improvise
As I initialize the truth 
That applies to all that's alive

Politics and politicking 
Has popularized cries 
As a rewarding prize 
And were surprised of an uprised outcry

Synchronized minds to better verbalize 
And apprise the people 
Of the coming Government Centralized
The truth is factually certified 
Not contrived, as the economic downturn
Caused the frowns burn
Perpetuating hesitant residents 
Feeling irrelevant
In a world of glorified decadence

Republicans and democrats
Demoralize as they exorcise
Demons of fire breathing heathen 
Causing insurmountable grieving
While death has become widespread 
With eyes dead
With people no longer 
Having faith or hope and believing
That these secreted demons 
Are breathing semen 
Of deceit deceiving 
Those no longer believing in grieving

This recited notation
Notifies of the sovereign stupidity 
That's oversized
Paralysing minds that never philosophize
A critical mystical musical note reprise 
To better surprise 
Then surmise that I can epitomize minds
Unified with 'illumined third' fuming eyes

Become the antagonizing protagonist 
Thats 'tagging fists'
With retroactive bliss 
And a disastrously 
Not haphazardly dastardly hyperactive kiss
A djinn in a 'well crafted mist'
Acrobatic tactics with 'word elastic tricks'

Agonizing over ties 
That bind the blind 
Of minds confined 
And entwined, thats best defined
As impoverished minds in decline

I need to BECOME
The catalyst of a battlers rift
As I shatter battle ships 
In a raging rattling mind saddles shift

Fortifying the people crying
As I synthesize rhymes
Designed to better reach 
And teach but not preach
To unsettled minds 
Wearing ignorant horses blinds
Pulling on the reins 
Of he who reigns 
Through the rain 
Causing economic struggle and strain
Tyrannically maniacal embedded pain 
Through preferential disdain of this plane 

Im forced to change course
And become hoarse 
For treading a course so coarse 
Coercing a workhorse 
To detour and be pourous in pain
Men with money and guiling machination 
Beyond your most creative thoughts 
Of your imagination 
Seek out the annhilation 
Of most of the population 
Through resource deprivation 
And the cancelation of free education
And the vaporization of elation 
Through consecrated information manipulation

As I advise to vie 
And vibe with united minds
We must become a cluster 
Than muster up the solution
Rather than question the lessons
And blessings in cries of polluted
Convolution of a destitute constitution
No upheavel for a retrieval of restitution

No more ponderings of why
Cause I circumvent circumcised minds
As I reinvent organized methods 
To network and fraternize

That fully gratifies 
And satisfies my teary eyes
Feeling dreary yet weary 
Of exemplified efforts of tries
As they monopolize lies
And rationalize terror ties
While I enter 
To revolutionize the minds eyes

And take thievery 
And their evangelized lies 
Then destabilize
While this cantankerous 
And cancerous system
Continues through sinews to metastasize

I must more than overemphasize 
Humanities cries 
Of those deprived 
Of living a life conceptualized
As THEY nationalize 
Then sanctify or set aside as holy 
Their continued conceptualized 
Perpetual lies that they contrived 
In which the global ignoble governments 
Are currently comprised

And the fact of the matter
Is that its a fact 
That can't be denied 
Even if tried with patriotic pride
Because historical 
And allegorical truth & lies
Do not coincide!


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2b2b2 says:


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Contest Winner  

SkTzO says:

Very humbling commentary... grateful for the time you took to read and comment. Blessings

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