2b2b2 | Poetry Vibe
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lightness in the dark
Love First and Love Lasts

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Needin' A Readin'


just different

Views: 656

I left my home today

Pursuing my daily routine

Doing the things I normally do

Like stopping for coffee or

Getting change for the train

But today I’m feeling strange

Something is out of place

Something just doesn’t feel the same

So I reach for my Bible to regain peace

Reading Psalms always seems to calm me

Still feeling very human(ly),

I dunno paranoid

I think I need to go see somebody

Cuz I need immediate answers

I think I need a reading.

Its reassurance I’m seeking, and

Understanding and Believing in me

Is the reaffirmation I am needing

The feeling won’t go away, I need

A Reading to share my plight,

I need A Reading

not tomorrow but by Tonite!

So I buy the daily newspaper

To find a clue on how to proceed

Looking in the help-wanted section

As I desparately spy to satisfy this need,

looking for Confirmation of my personal

whats And whys.

So I search for jobs

And words to fulfill this need

Damn it didn’t work,

now I really Know

I better go get a read.

So I check the horoscopes

to see if I can cope,

but damn according To my sign today,

there is no hope!

Oh sheeyat, is my mind’s reaction

As it tries to refine my self worth

During this storm and my perceived

Disaster that is impending, if I don’t

Get a reading soon….

I can’t even work due to lack of concentration

This paranoid, malaise is gonna drive me crazy

So I click on to myspace to see if anybody

Done hit me….only to find some bogus spam

Note and Page Log Hit….more and more I’m

Seeing that I sooooo need a reading. In a last

Ditch effort I decide to search out poetry, just to

Take my mind off, but praying I have been

Put on.

My favorite is PoetryVibe,

Hoping for some sort of sign,

I slowly scroll Down to find

what I have been all day Needing…..

A Reading, not just any reading

But a Reading from others

on what I had Written.

Oh What A Relief

2b seeing 6 Posts

next to your name

means somebody

Been reading

and hearing what you

have to say

Amazingly the paranoia

mysteriously fades away

I feel so much better,

guess I better start my Reading of what

someone else has to say, and

I give thanks to GOD as well

as my fellow writers For seeing me

and relieving me….of my thoughts

I done wrote.

I also hope no one else has 2b

Denied the right to be felt

from the writes you Done wrote,

I would be insulted and paranoid as hell

If no one never Gives Me A Reading…..

Support and Expand,

doesn’t that sound like God’s Plan!

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justformine says:

AMEN. Yes i do feel the same way too. When ever I cant seem to focous myself I come on here and theres always something that jogs my memorie that there is alot to be thankful for and most important that we as writers and deep feelers are not alone.! (:
Contest Winner  

2b2b2 says:

Thanks, true therapy.....

love_supreme says:

Very nice. "This paranoid, malaise is gonna drive me crazy" line blew me away.

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mrmelody7 says:

Gratifying reading in a world of chaos
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tretre says:

2b2b2....Mind blowing.....Always keep that pen movin 2b2b2!!!!

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2b2b2 says:

Thanks everyone......PEACE

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hymnagen says:

Brotha, being relatively new here, it's comforting to know a Poetry Vibe veteran gets this feeling, too. Peace
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2b2b2 says:

Ha ha, not doubt hymnagen.....actually wrote this awhile back but it fits....from pen, to eyes to mind....objective achieved (smile) ONE
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Charles2 says:

seems that bug has been going around a lot lately. i b needing, 2. but most of all. take my mind out back and machine gun some stumps.

love_supreme says:

Excellent write

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