2b2b2 | Poetry Vibe
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lightness in the dark
Love First and Love Lasts

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Peace of Mind



Views: 562

The  fires  of  unfulfilled desires  burn still

Unquenched aspirations  stoke  the flames  within

Wanting  2b  all  2b  simultaneously

My  urgency  is  affirmed  to  me  thru  hurt  so  real

Lines  pointing  towards  worry and  rejection

So  unable  to  accept  this  lesson

Not  willing  to  let   go  of  personal  plans  

In  my  constant  frame  of  Conviction 

Only able  to  focus  on  what  I  believe  to  be  missing

Just  to  pray  for  years  on  end,  lifetimes’  inevitable  end

Still  not  realizing  how  to  begin  and  remain  consistent

Feeling  all  fenced  in,  in  everyday  routines  of  same  routes

Doubts  of  turns  been  past  made  creating  present  direction

Only remembering  the  slip  and  fall  of  hindsight’s  embarrassment

Tormenting  from  retold  stories  harboring  negative  reflection


In  this  piece  of  my  mind,  how  can  I  find  lasting  definition?

Relinquishing  is  the  addition,  laying  troubles  down  by  mind’s  waterside

Signs  of  subtraction, by  adding  by  way  of  forgetting…

Satisfaction  is   not   to  suffer  upon  discovering  fragments  in  discrepancy

Reflecting  always  on  should  of’s, leaves  my  mind  in  need  of  recovery

Affecting  dreams  of  places  to  be  of  little  or  no  relevancy

GOD  promises  protection  to  whomsoever  chooses  to  be-lieve

Leaving  iniquity,  separates  me  from  the  physical  mind  at  no  rest

Performing  beastly  tasks  of   lesser  creatures  still  incorporated  within

Although  I’m  walking,  
Spiritually  I’m  floating

Trusting   is   my  guide  and   compass  of   direction

Spinning,  Falling,  Crashing  or  Ascending……travelling  I  must  still

Right  the  way by  Peace  of  Mind  daily!



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Contest Winner  

tretre says:

2b2b2 my goodness this poem I have one word for and that is Brilliant. I hope you don't mind me sharing this poem. From a true poet to another Always keep that pen movin 2b2b2!!!
Contest Winner  

2b2b2 says:

Aww thanks much my talented sis-star!!! ONE
Contest Winner  

hymnagen says:

Peace of mind is never constant, is it? At best, it's continual. Excellent composition. Peace

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Contest Winner  

2b2b2 says:

Hmm constant vs. continual.....both mean that its always there, just a matter of us being able to connect or tap in....I believe....Thanks My Brother hymnagen....ONE

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Contest Winner  

Empressree says:

"Still not realizing how to begin and stay consant". Sometimes I find myself stuck at that beginning mark and I know what needs to be done. I start get a running head but then as I move forward I realize one leg is still stuck in the same spot. It was all an illusion. I haven't really gone anywhere. But I envisioned it. So I know I can do it. My physical body is not hearing but my soul recognizes that it's time to move. Awareness thNks so much for sharing! Respect
Contest Winner  

2b2b2 says:

Thank you kindly.....respectfully....in the human journey we are all creatures of habit, the goal or endeavor is to train and discipline ourselves in being consistent to positive values and thoughts which is being constant or steadfast aka "real" (smile).....Namaste

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