In the realm of the insane
The sacrilegiously sane
Such as ourselves are considered insane clinically
But although a masterful mage and wordsmith
My history is considered a mystery mystically
Because everyday I'm disturbed to curb wit
Either in person OR in this secondary matrix digital
I mix elixirs that are easily drinkable
All fact NEVER fictional
Because I adore core flaws
And causalities claws clawing
At the pores of imbeciles
This current planet of residence is unlivable
Genetically modified foods
With wages minimal
And water undrinkable
All earths bereft dearth
Has worsened because of
So called 'elite minuscule'
Their existence is NO LONGER
Permissable neither inexcusable
Excuse me as I refute their truth
Spoken as boorish brutes
Trying to impute shyt that don't compute
As they pitifully pivot
And position themselves
With lawless lascivious principles
Agenda 21 is a pdf printable
Not really your typical
Agenda visual but their control
Of population is graphically tragic
Ebola scare tactics
To flatten then elasticize your neurosynaptics
'Cause their CDC and World Health Organization measures are drastic
Making the common person plastic or flaccid
While simultaneously ravaging rapidly causing more spasms
And vamping up the fatuous and vapid
Their inexcusably despicable
Actions are quite typical
For wealthy wicked men
With imaginative machinations
Making way for annihilation
Of a huge percentage of the global population
We witness their gimmicks daily
Poverty and pestilence causing more frailty
As it's more than visible
Innocuously obvious to the average persons visual
In additional
To the soul conflagration
Of stagnating nations
And circumstances conditional
Their existence is irrefutably despicable and unforgivable
I refuse to be confused
With a fool that gets stepped on
Yet is expected to remain hospitable
Im full of fortitude
As Im admiringly formidable
Political jargon jarring minds
But never jarring mine
As I'm sparring
And encourageably just targeting 'mines'
War games played
Even by usage of biochemical medicinal
Pathogens invisible
Infiltrating the air we breathe
To cause many to suffer while others grieve
For the deceased when 'they leave'
Immeasurable suffering in the present precipice
Of the current circumstantial placement
Martial law prepared
To perforate the flesh
While placing others into enslavement
If not in large plastic encasements
Get ready for civil war engagement
Along with day to day racial defacement & displacement
With faces placed into the disgraced place
Of biological containment
In subsurface military basements
I am an obvious obstruction
Deconstructing then restructuring their falsified constructive
Blue print with subdued hues and fool prints
I am a living disaster
Using dialectic diction and phonetics
Heretically treading their troposphere
Terrifying their territory
Of gory stories along with their architectural designed lies
Creating their dystopic topics
Disturbing the occurrence of blurry optics with their opulence
Obstinate is my conscience as I consciously concoct and create curvatures
On the systems surveyed ley lines
Where they create depraved crimes and enslave minds
Using media frequencies
At a frequency beneath me
Frequently trying to frequent me
But they can't freak with me
Because I'm a brawling behemoth
Of informative rhymes not deformative chimes
Of some dormant informant sign
Climbing from behind
Trying to rely on lies
And sub-divisional trials of denial
Conning constituents casually
Causing institutionally unconstitutional crimes
Sublime sonnets with combined prose and amorphic dysmorphic coughings
Of certain obloquy colloquies spoken obviously
Through the globally ignoble psycho-socialized sodomies
Torn ties defying me inside of me
While liars continue
Depriving me economically
But the fabricated tragedies
Are tragically nearly perfectly implemented
And branded in tandemly as recorded cacophony rhapsodies
Are more than sporadic random calamities
Poisoned and tarnished powers municipal
Igniting war factions through distractions
And distraught principles
Occupying the minds of most
In the frontal lobes occipital
Policies from police polities
Impolitely pontificating predictable rituals
Sacrifice and decayed flesh is the residual
Of millions of individuals
We're NOT in a moment transient
But transitional
Because we've made it permissible
To be wicked and political
So this planets future
Is obviously prognosticatingly predictable
Ebola and other germs of warfare are easily transmittable
Making life on this planet eventually unlivable
I've been creatively considered a creative original aboriginal war criminal
For my spitting unkillable syllables
In my prosaic compositionals which are deliverable
In methods unthinkable yet unsinkable
Throughout the geophysical literal
In my courtroom of doom
Their lies are inadmissible
Never permissible
To piss off a shrewd individual
My intellect is INexplicable
And irresistibly unpredictable
But no doubt an integral part
Of the lyrical art imparted
To exert berserk words
To conjure for certain
This poetic persons
Immutable & irrefutable principles invincible
More than mystically
But spiritually uplifting
By enhancing ones understanding
Of humanities tragic pleasure principle
Hoping we can surpass the gasps and vast gaps
And attain a higher plane of the METAphysical