sandyperry | Poetry Vibe
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just different

Views: 340

​I know she loves me but I don’t know why
 I stare in the mirror and see a regular guy
 An irregular heart paired with a clouded mind
 Flawed from head to toe without a fix in sight
 I wish I could meet the man she sees
 I’d love to ask him a couple of things
 Like how does he smile in a world so cursed
 How does he laugh when he’s filled with hurt
 What makes him confident the spark will stay when the flame he loves burns miles away
 I’m lost, searching for an answer
 My insecurities spreading like cancer
 I wish my confidence matched my height
 I’d be the person I always hoped to be tonight
 Face the man in the mirror with my head held high
 Without the urge to question why she’s in my life

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Contest Winner  

hymnagen says:

Nice read. love the sentiment. Peace

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