HymnAgen | Poetry Vibe
This poet practices good karma and posts comments 118500
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contest winner
lightness in the dark
Pen wouldn't move til now Current eventz got me feelin some kinda way

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Perfect As U R


Views: 612

All this non-gender-specific-ness

is ridiculous.               


How the hell did we ever get to this point?


Who took the initiative

of erasing the gender line

in trying to close the gender gap?


They’re screwing with the human mind.


How we define ourselves is under attack,

and some seem to believe that’s fine…

I believe this is by design – a fiendish

plot to divide and conquer us

by driving a wedge in between us.


We are a complementary pairing:

vagina and

resulting in a birth.

Between Mars and Venus,

there lies an Earth.

Betweens us is something that works,

so why try to make us the same through names?


You’re playing games with your claims

of inherent sexual bias while choosing to retain

the masculine form as the norm –








Sounds like hypocrisy to me.

I’m just sayin’.


I love women.

I don’t need you to be like men to see an equal,

or behave more masculine for me to treat you

with all due respect.


I don’t want to be culturally neutered,

nor have you culturally spayed.

Your femininity is priceless to me;

you should always feel free to display it

without feeling naked and objectified,

fully appreciated, as I have testified

in the past.


For when separated from you

I am just half

of my full potential.


I recognize you as being essential

to my very survival.


You expand my life span

through your love of your man,

and all that love encompasses –

from your nurturing to your accomplishments.


Why would I ever want you to be just like me

when you’ve been perfected through evolution

in your femininity?




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Contest Winner  

2b2b2 says:

Great Share....freedom 2b is and always will be the name of the game....but we all are that within....whether its acknowledged in parades or tv programming is just another charade....RESPECT....ONE

danadane says:

Wow! Powerful and so true. You hit the nail on the head. I especially like the line "I don’t need you to be like men to see an equal". Preach, girl!

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Contest Winner  

hymnagen says:

I appreciate your comments. As always, ONE 2b. danadane "Preach, girl"? I assure you I'm all man and not the least bit confused in that regard. LOL Thanks for the read!

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DallasCowgirl says:

Speechless. Just...Idk. That was incredible. Just incredibly perfect.

Contest Winner  

hymnagen says:

Thank you, kindly, underhiswings7.

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