-I meant it when I said, "If I can't have you nobody will," why call my bluff?
-You must wanna see me in cuffs.
-Premeditated will be a term used by the judge.
-After a FOX News video article titled "Explosive Love."
-Green wire to the positive side of this 9volt battery, red to the negitive.
-We are way past some high school crush.
-Say you were joking when you text there's no more us.
-If not, premeditated will be the term used by a judge.
-After some FOX News video article titled "Explosive Love."
-Place 9volt in Altoids can & tape egg timer guts guts with bent paper clips to it.
-How could you try to end this, then go & post, "Free of....?"
-Causing me an emotional enlightening thereof.
-Leading to premeditated being a term used by that judge.
-After a FOX Evening News video article titled "Explosive Love."
-Connect wires from 9volt to paperclips.
-Okay we been fighting but this amour is rough.
-Anyways, it's not for you, it's on me to say when we've had enough.
-I can foresee the term premeditated rolling out the mouth of a judge.
-Drill center hole in waterpipe with fitted metal ends.
-This is the manner you request another's touch?
-All the while I'm still in your clutch.
-Yep! Premeditated will be said by a judge.
-After the this just in FOX News video article titled "Explosive Love."
-Add black powder & fuse to waterpipe.
-The thought of your kisses makes my passion to feel crupt.
-Forcing the darker side of my affection to erupt.
-Predection? Premeditated spoken via a judge.
-Proceeding a FOX News video article titled "Explosive Love."
-Place waterpipe with egg timer in a bucket full of razors & nails.
-Your back door use to open with the slightest nug.
-Oh.....it still does.
-So.....I'll set the timer & the bucket on your bed next to you, go home, then wait for FOX News to interview me for a video article titled.........
"Explosive Love."