my name is John and as you can seeÂ
I'm really not one for personal property
The clothes on my back are all i have got
I know it isn't an awful lot
My bed for the night is wherever I lay
Maybe a bench or a shop doorway
Lying in the dark with no central heating
The cold wind giving my body a real savage beating
Strangers walk by oblivious to me
Some are kind enough to toss me 20 p
I'm all alone here in this treacherous place
You can see this from the torment that runs through my face
Hunger and thirst are all I can feel
As I'm hunting through the bins for my next meal
Maybe some chips or a half eaten pie
I stumble along fighting the tears I cry
Selling the big issue is my only employment
As you can imagine there are no prospects or any enjoyment
I long for a home and maybe a bird
But what chance have I got i know it's absurd
Police move me on wherever I go
If only they could see if only they could know
It's not my fault that I'm so down
Blame those idiots Blair and Brown
Why do I exist heaven only knows
Everyday is like waiting for the circling crows
Some people may think that I am bluffing
But all I know is I am
J ust O ne. Â H opeless. Â N othing