Sktzo | Poetry Vibe
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FREEstyle Funk (From recent cypher)


just different

Views: 235

I'm THE lyrical Leviathan
The world will never see me cry again
I breathe and speak meek from my diaphragm
An Atlantean Sumerian alien
Straight tripping while sipping on Actin & Myosin
To 'take in' the vitamin Thiamin
So I can turn off the fires 
Of vi-o-lence like a fireman

Disdainfully painful pariah
With my mind on fire
Turbulent trials & tribulations
Torturing us 'til we transpire
The universe has reversed its birth
To corruptibly conspire
Preventing me relentlessly
From moving up higher
As I'm fighting with my defenses quite offensively
You CAN NOT tarnish 
What is highly regarded 
And harnessed effectively retrospectively
Ineffective methods 
Never blessing me incessantly

Rather splattering grey matter efficaciously
I'm treading and trekking to replenish me sagaciously

No longer a timorous lyricist
'Cause I'm the seven persona ventriloquist
Like kid Icarus eating licorice
I'm slipping into a pitty fit
Cosmically yet comically
Dropping my philosophy 
Through an uncommon comedy colloquy
Not gaining ASTROnomically
Yet feigning pain ECOnomically
Logically, I must remain a man of honesty not comedy
And honestly, I see beyond my eyes trioptically or palmistry
Because I more than shockingly 
Understand the philosophy 
Of astronomical causality
And yet ironically
I refuse to work in paucity 
Or speak with pomposity chronically
I exist in kinetics anatomically
Due to my high levels of Creatine PhosphoKinase 'bio' not cryosardonically
Biophysiological usage secreted beyond filament particles atomically
And my diffusion of truth correspondingly 
Relates to my higher mental state PSYCHOtically

I read the periodical articles periodically not chronically
Consistently seeing the masses with heads up their asses idiotically

I am a HYPER CYPHER supersonically charged 
Sentient symbiote remotely toting poetry methodically
Because wild thoughts 
And Kreativity Reigns Supreme increasing 'the serum serene' 
In my bloodstream bioelectronically
Magnetic resonance of relevance
To the devils detriment
Strengthens my so called psychological pathology

And so I communicate LOVE not HATE to elevate 
Boorishly inept PRImates 
At a PRIME rate 
For at MY PRIME, I ATE cry traits
That would ONLY detonate
A part of my heart 
That would dialectically decimate
And eviscerate the visceral mineral 
Even the miniscule in the literal physical 
In hopes to not ONLY educate 
But elevate as I illuminate 
Through the poetic power 
Of which I communicate 
Even in 'dire straits' on the wire
Why I wait 
No mind INflate
But learned to empathize & relate 
Which is part of why 
I e-lec-tro-nic-ally con-gre-gate 
With blatantly brazen mages and sages 
In various stages and phases
And multitudinous crazed traces of erased faces 
Amazing some strangers from dangers

And so
No bland soul 
In the realm of She'Ol
We KNOW we can flow or glow
To disembowel 
With a sickle and trowel 
Using consonants & vowels
On the planets continents 
In my methods obstinate
Using my lips and my 'split lingual' linguistically 
Because I insist realistically
To RISE UP physically not mystically
And destroy our LOWER SELVES sadistically

This cypher and its adherents 
Are not heretically inclined 
But united in one mind 
To design and rhyme lines
Beautifully cosigned in time
Through cosmically 
Coughing comets and indirect doxologies 
In this poetic colloquy of homilies
Dropping personal ideologies
Chronologically never idiotically
And yet I bet
That we have effected many 
At a fractal level microscopically
Pouring our creative energy endlessly 
To only receive rhythmic reciprocity tangibly & symbolically 
Through this very cypher 
Kept alive electronically 
Using this network social 
Using digital vocals noble technologically

Nearly one thousand posts 
With each of us as a HOST 
Toasting while verbally cruising
Perusing and coasting VIA 
Our tactically grammatical virtuosity 
With no skewed visual paint 
Or taint of animosity

No need to be on the same page THEOlogically
But remain effectively respectful
Of eachothers philosophy or ideology 
As we share the desire 
To conflagrate and make 
The 'population incognizant' 
More aware and conscious 
Of the obnoxiously ignorant reconnaissance
Making immense ammends 
And connecting with friends 
With the desire to break current trends by which to append 
Using our pens to contest & wrest 
And mentally arrest plenty with Zen

Foolish foes in the throes 
Of cosmic woes already know the poetic show 
And how that we flow, to glow 
And chose to use prose as pros 
To help others elevate and grow

So, I'm ending this flow 
With a bless you
I confess too
That I decrease and cease to impress
Releasing my vexation and stress
Through a magically strategic apparent mess
Nevertheless I continue with fervor and zest
To change your deranged vision
From concave to convex!

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Contest Winner  

tjaigreen says:

Props. I feel your flow.

love_supreme says:

Very nice! Excellent write.

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