Sktzo | Poetry Vibe
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Hip Hop?!


just different

Views: 192
Mister 'E' is a mystery With a history of misery No the-o-ry of in-ju-ry Just a draconian lizard king Weeping bitterly With a slippery inquiry of liberty And yet my true VIC-tory Is through word wizardry trickery My salivary spewage is conducive To intrusively making my verbiage quite slippery We sporadically and randomly Are attacking wack combative combatants with our verbal artillery And my noble globally vocal delivery I have seen some obscene scenes Directly that effected me And others were seen Through my periphery Complacent 'orange agent' Of complicit contradictory Actually the sad factual exquisite rap rotisserie Of idiots of mediocrity mimicking me lyrically And in the physical literally But I remain spiritual on this plane As a philanthropic Philistine Inside of my 'cosmic limousine' Actively acting toward activities In poetic facilties Explicitly through linguistic utilities Mystifying wack rapper hostilities Against their own 'blind kind' indigenously It's no longer just conspiracy That we need efficient contingencies To deconstruct the robust disabilities & deficiencies Since the days of humanitys infancy So lyrically we must form An abnorm storm like infantry convincingly Too many give pessimistic allegiance and thus credence To an 'attitude defeatist' intrinsically Metabolic brolic brawling Through secretions specifically Yet together we gather To lather rhythmic lyrics In megalithic simplistic symphonies Concepting, boring and building A unit of pyramidal pinnacle miracles more than mysteriously And unanimously we gregariously Would rather rap trap Those foes whoms flows Cascade apparently nefariously And their subdued hues of lies Are seen transparently rather hilariously We are a family of poetically sagacious natives That brazenly awaken the chastened While 'like Jason' We're chasing the adjacent and fake and somnolently awake While breaking The theory of 'take and take' While forsaking a chain link break And remaining awake to retrace and deface The obviously opulent populace disgrace faster than disasters pace That first chose to become foes And sedate the human race In which MOST could relate To being asleep yet believing to be awake I must speak up and a new world create Hoping others NOT ONLY relate But let go of that fate of hate And choose to 'positively ape' This person dispersing verses Knowing for certain That their are certainly certain other persons Observing and serving the serpants subsurface And although under scrutiny And federal observance As a daily occurence I SHALL NOT allow Their evident presence Become a numbing deterrance Neither prevent my service To sleeping merchants With microchips implanted under their dermis And so as the 'mind war' wages In multiple stages and phases Many eyes are opening on many faces With facets and assets Of pulling the plug from the matrix So for us awakened 3rd eye sight seeing beings Shall never be fleeing But fire breathing and relieving The pressure of those That inadvertently chose To make themselves A bunch of vermins lesser with their hearts in the dresser And although lessening The pain of the flame With our devouring power fire retardant With which we're bombarded And skin is sclerotically hardened We seek to reach To then teach not preach With our only hope being That THE TRUTH is no longer discarded or disregarded Hence we guard it With our hearts never parted For every fire started And every lyric that has departed My hardened lips They left unguarded ships With a tad Hop of Hip Nothing can stop this wit In which we spit More than willingly witty While mainstream money hungry rappers Continue to keep slipping on spit shytty

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