edwardbalonado21 | Poetry Vibe
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just different

Views: 465

 Think I’m crazy cuz I talk of suicide, well guess what I already died... I was assassinated on a cold night in December, clouds all around, what a night to remember... I said 9 11 was a conspiracy and now I’m being charged with political heresy... they say I’m a terrorist and I must be dealt with, so I say, *** you! Chinese water, fearing it... that’s pain that I never thought I would experience... I’m now delirious locked up being whipped for answers, I say I can’t breathe! My asthma! They drown me some more... ohh how I used to adore this country now I’m a ***ing malicious mind consider Taliban...*** the government! They have the hour, but now it’s time for me to depower this punk legislation. Ask me for my license and registration and I saying, HELL NO! Speed off. CHP on my tail, it never fails... swerve to avoid a collision, what an impossible mission... cops can’t catch me neither can you... Obama is the man but he needs to change his plans before I bust in. I'm taking all the money and paying our debts... killed Bill Gates to do that...

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