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Scythe Swipe


just different

Views: 185

Scythe Swipe

Mitochondrial magistrate of hate
For too long I’ve had time to premeditate
The fate of your race
In such a place of disgrace
My wrath will NOT waste
But will take place with haste
Against the willfully unchaste

From my galaxial apogee
I now enter rapidly
With supernatural tragedy
Collapsing the rancid and vapid
‘Cause of their theatrically grandiloquent fallacies

As I NOW make my entrance through transit
No longer shall you bandage your antics
You’ve painted a casket on lifes canvas
Your race was given multiple chances
But you’re filled with nothing but sociopathic
Thieves, murderers and bandits
And can’t any longer stand your bandwidth!

Then you turned
Your planet of granite into ‘plastic’
Torturing humanity with insanity
All the while you behave brazen and candid
It’s now time for the worst
And hardest part of harvest to happen
In my garden and you’re the target
Your souls dissipated
As your hearts had just hardened
But those you mistreated
Were not all disheartened
Because some just happened
To have been magnanimously smartened

Now upon the heads of those
Whom have had the bad habit
Of attracting the bombastic
With antics drastically rancid
You gave rise to insurgent combatants
To combatively counterattack
Your purposeful deprivation & lacking

The current dearth of the earth
Is the curse in a verse
Your consequences are the worst
For you’ve rehearsed
In becoming turgid in words

The elite players
Plus soothsayers and woo swayers
Are in surplus
For those have turned existence
Into a worthless circus
With serpents in service with merchants
Those conglomerate emerges
With trillion dollar mergers
Within the global market circuit
The capricious nature
Of the man behind the curtain
Is making the people volatile yet nervous
This goes far beyond the tone of ones epidermis
And whom try to choose to purchase
To act and speak worthless
Then disperse berserk verses
For a reaper with a deeper & darker pupose
Because what lurks below the surface
Are the serpents
Cursing all other persons as worthless

Usurping perps and other persons purses
While coercing persons
To feel fear and remain insanely wordless
And in the process of regressed progress
Those persons begin conversing
Internal words of worthless[NESS]
What a mess I digress
I might fly then hover
To purposely smother
As I pull back the veil and uncover
And reveal to the masses
Your smoke & mirror gases, they’ll discover
That only for a game of control
They were engulfed in and smothered
And their own created system
Became their harlot and lover
And Babylon was their mother!

So I will puke nukes
And your race I rebuke
And choose to refuse more abuse
Upon the head of the goose
My truth wont compute with the brute
Neither the asinine but the astute youth

And the adaptive acolyte
That’s acting right
Not overreacting bright
Because my potent potions
Of phosphorous commotion
Will cause ‘he who lacks’
To wax and wane
Forcibly relax his brain
As my syntax will attack your terrain
Cause your sin tacks will retract
And go back to your brain
As your neuromyalgia
Will be the least of your pain
Yet superimpose all your strain

I can no longer restrain
My enraged hate and disdain
It’s been caged and contained
But my fury does not have a witness, advocate, judge or jury
For I intend to append
Your lives riddled with ridicule
Some magnanimous
While others miniscule
Your death will be sloWWW
As I extrapolate your breath
And evaporate what’s left
Then renew the earth with extraterrestrial dirt
So she’s once again filled with life not strife
And with death and dearth
Nothing and no one will ever again flirt!


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