skyyberry1987 | Poetry Vibe
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so in love! I'll give it all away.... just dont tell nobody tomorrow

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under his spell



Views: 307

Soft sighs, uneven breaths and unexpected cries 
I lie in repose as I try to catch my breath 
Still reeling from the unexpected development 
Of a cerebral connection turned physically viral 
Wrapping itself around every part of my brain and body 
Intrinsically branding and marking its territory 
Spoiling me for anything else less intense 
Making me crave a connection that is so hard to describe 
Making me writhe, shudder and explode inside 

Completely surprised about the direction from which it came 
Shocked and taken aback as I thought this would be his game 
Though I was happy to go anywhere with him for the ride 
Because I was hooked in a way that I could not hide 
Never thought I would experience this intense connection again 
But all I can feel is an overwhelming tightening of and brain

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Contest Winner  

2b2b2 says:

Tight piece....ONE

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Contest Winner  

hymnagen says:

Very descriptive imagery without being vulgar. I like your command of the language. Beautiful piece.

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