Royale jones | Poetry Vibe
Royale jones
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contest winner
lightness in the dark

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The pass on!



Views: 409

Never thought I would want the fairytale ending

chalk it up to harsh beginning

I've seen enough,

followed by gruesome endings

hope filled tears fall on deaf ears,

but you could still hear the sound of fears washing out the effects of beauty reflected in the mirror

much clearer the air inhaled with combustible narcotics

head tilted, standing in worn down orthodox

chasing the taste of defeat with cheap whiskey, in a unairconditioned room thinking

"I never thought I would reap a pain wrost than the pushing of my womb".

until this day after hollow knocks curse my front door

out his mouth sounds were made, as my tears moisten my feet against the wooden floor

loosely I paid attention

for I had no price, for what was in stored.

his cold body,

the byproduct of the lateness of a scared mother's touch

the sight gave her a rapid rush as her eyes rolled back,

her head bounced off the metal examiner's table

unselfish how death rolls

I guess no one truely knows how there going to go.

I wonder if she wished to tell him she forgave him him before it was his time to go.

would she get that chance?


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Contest Winner  

The Immortal Wize says:

Very Poignant!

poems by this commentor

Contest Winner  

hymnagen says:

Great read. One powerful narrative. thanks for sharing this.
Contest Winner  

2b2b2 says:

Crucial Write my dude....Bravo...thanks for sharing.....ONE

royale jones says:

Thank y'all for the read much love.

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