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Violently Innocuous


just different

Views: 232

Violently Innocuous

Either I'm a born teacher
Or a spectre Djinn from the Aether dimensional
Or I have an imbalance 
In my neurobiochemical
Because even with flaws and sharpened claws plus lock jaw
And personal principles and laws
My specific monolithic linguistics are INcredible

But then again 
Maybe I'm flaky 
Or sarcastically shady 
Or just have a problem that's psychomedical
I'm not 'careless'
But I coud 'care less' though
About being graced 
Or placed on a pedestal
Because the confidence I contain 
Is self-sustained 
And is more than plentiful
Which has lead me down a path
Highly philosophically intellectual and ethical

I'm gifted but at times I'm limited 
By being righteously livid not insipid
Yet never severely severed 
By ra-pid-ly becoming va-pid see
As we are a sad tad bit timid
Rigid and inflexible
But I became 
The reigning insane sentient sentinel 
More seductively sensible 
Through my 3rd eyes retinal

I'm not a serpentine 
Turgid vermin AS A person
So I spit detergent in verses 
To clean mental purses 
That seem to only worsen 
While listening to shytty rap verses
That crappy laffy-taffy rappers
Disperse so worthLESS
With inconvenient mistreated curses
With absurd words 
Burning my dermis subsurface
Even if ONLY by observance 
Or heard at one occurrence 
Causing such tragically spastic
Nonelastic disturbance

But now my eloquent elevated vocals
Are becoming my vocation 
Even when vacationing 
From vaccinations across the nation
And my signature is rehearsed in cursive 
But my 'printed' name is in sublimation 
Not a man sedated for subjugation
But erotically eradicating 
The hating names and faces
Of evil and deceitful people
That caused the economic inflation
And deflating egoistic brains
That created devastating hesitation

But now eric lee and musse is exceptional
Even in the gist 
Of a maniacal amorphous mist 
Depressive recessional
Entirely fed up with THE FED 
And the senates congressional
I can say with a clear conscious 
That the obnoxious politics are expendable

Their written Bills are like Hillary
In-cre-di-bly il-le-gi-ble
But I expect respect 
And reflect the un4gettable
Because my mind is entwined 
With the divine 
Which makes me a person impressively impeccable

Somehow, now my souls silhouette
Is ONLY perceptible to the intelligible
They recognize my spiritual ties
Through their activated 'epiphysis cerebri' perceptual
With the eventual 
Enlightened viewing of the effectual third retinal

Secret secretions secretly secreted
To make surreality more presentable
Although sometimes many minds
Choose their illusion as preferable
I was never infallible 
But I too was never susceptible 
To blatant matrix agent lies 
Instigated and perpetuated 
So purposefully INTENTional

Now most Disease is DIS Ease 
Which if you AWAKEN would be preventable
But since the artful architect 
Is wickedly psychopathic and professional
We then live in a world 
Of instant gratification HIGH sensational 
Living sensuously impetuous 
And usually actions become regrettable
Losing the enthusing sense 
Of being integrous
Highly respectable & conventional

It is INtensively INtentional
That I design my rhymes
In methods highly unconventional
Yet never detestibly reprehensible
It just happens to be
That my mental mechanics and apparatus 
Are silverlined in slivering signs
Intertwined with afflatus

Flattering the flattened maddening 
Of the dearth earth through colloquy
While some persons 
Are versed in the atrocity 
Of frollicking with the psychology 
Of brolic abloquy

But my commodity is constancy
Even through a creative cacophony
It is my neuroLINGUAL pathology
To speak up 
Against the colony of hypocrisy
For I am pushed forward with curiosity 
To better understand 
The societal bridal mythology
As it is in my name and title 
To rival human ethnology 
Across the surface of earths geography

And as I cleanse the 3rd sclera 
Of this epoch and the errors 
Of the terrors of this era
I will continue to open 
The populations optometry 
In hectic methods uncommonly
For it is my gift YET a pathology
To have every systole & diastole 
Of my cardiology
To be entranced and palpitate by verbology 
And through encrypting my descriptive phonology

Transformative dispondency
For recognizing the obvious inequality
Of lifes tragicomedy
While billions are alive in mediocrity
Even though we have technology 
To potentially build 
A new transhumanism ideology 
As a personal philosophy
For some unfathomable reason 
People continue to feel subdued by some dude and choose the terrible toxicology
Of relating ones dermal topography
To an elevated intelligence 
As if there is relevance
Yet is NOT SEEN 
As an obcene scene uncommonly

And many have lacked praxis 
And distract wit during practice 
Of exactness while distracting 
The disastrous mastery 
Of the dastardly
By subtracting the reenacting 
Of acerbic persons flattery 
And energy draining vampiric battery

So now utilizing my pride
I courageously collude and collide
Then linger and bide 
To do more than survive 
While I'm alive 
And continue to strive 
To open eyes 
Revealing the prize 
A great cosmic surprise 
To most eyes despised 
Reading the abundance 
Of 'repetitive redundance'
In this prosaic reprise

And so here I rise 
Like a towering HIGH RISE
Cause there's a high price
So I stir in word an insurgents uprise
Have souls revived
And to defy political lies 
And government ties
That have kept the majority 
Asleep and tied 
While their flesh withers
Dries then atrophies and dies

Is that by which I am comprised
But choose to help the deprived
For as long as this avatar 
Flesh of mine 
Remains brainy sane
In fact intact and alive!


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